Who is the Proper Grantee of the Land?

There is a difference between land and property. No corporation in bankruptcy can claim land (and all corporations as corporate sub-divisions of the master corporation are bankrupt); the limited property titles are only certificated titles, or deeds of trust, that are actually property of the United States and the other Nation States, and they in turn have collateralized all such property as pledge against the bankrupt estate.

MEMBER QUESTION:  I’m seeing the following quote on page 7 of the D’Vida Private Society Articles of Establishment:

“…The said Letters Patent issued for the Lands in question within the United States of America and throughout the World, of, by, and for the People, shall be identified by metes and bounds to be surveyed and shall thereby cause all claim and jurisdiction of the United States of America or any other purported Nation State, to be removed and released. This shall thereby convey all Rights, Titles, Tenements, Hereditaments, and Interests thereof to the original grantee and his or her Heirs and Assigns forever…”

This is confusing: does it mean to the original owners prior to owning within the USA/state/colonial system imposed or does it mean to the current owner? Who is the ‘original grantee’ it is talking about? Grantee of what, exactly? I think it’s saying that the Kingdom of David is the original Grantee but it doesn’t make sense.

A What is important to do in answering this question is to expand the point. To do so, it has to be put in context of the section from which the quote is taken: Rights, Law, Land, and Estates of the People. Further context is to refer to what has been stated in the Proclamation of Peace introductory videos that refer to David Joel as “The Doorway” through which all the People can walk in order to leave Babylon and return to lawful standing on the Land.

Without standing on the Land, the People do not have any capacity in Law. Stated otherwise, one does not have “standing to state a claim” as a bonded surety to a bankrupt franchise. Once one takes the steps to sever the attachment to the franchise and make arrangements for settling and closing all claims and liabilities against the franchise, then we have standing to state a claim (which we do by claiming our law, rights, estates, and body/genetic ancestral lineage). Without standing one cannot “state a claim” and therefore one cannot “stake a claim” (on the land). When we change our status and gain that standing, we do not claim “ownership” of the land, we claim the right to hold the land in free hold, in allodium.

So let’s go through the section referenced above starting at page 6 of the D’Vida Private Society Articles of Establishment, and analyze what is being said and how it relates to all of this.


Rights, Law, Land, and Estates of the People

Extract from the D’Vida Private Society Articles of Establishment – Page 6.

The Peculiar Members of D’Vida Private Society

PECULIAR: In Ecclesiastical Law, a parish or church that has jurisdiction of ecclesiastical matters within itself (thus stating that the Members of D’Vida Private Society have the power of the Ekklesia, the Law of the People)

now and forever shall embody the Living Word as the Living Body of the Congregation, the Ekklesia, as those who have by their own Sovereign Free Will choice removed themselves from the bondage of the Babylonian Money Magic System, known in modern parlance as “The Matrix”, that sought to inveigle the consent of the People through artifice of deceit and diabolic manipulations that have spanned centuries and millennia, leading to the modern age of our lifetime.

This states that the Members, in their own Right as the Ekklesia (hence Ecclesiastical Law) have taken the steps to begin to sever the attachment to the Matrix/Babylon.

Through such methodologies, the People have unknowingly and without true and proper consent, been construed to have given their consent to such bondage and attachments. This has sapped the life force and the living substance of almost every Man, Woman, and Child now living on Planet Earth, and many who have already passed from this world. The result of all of this has been the unlawful transfer of the People’s Rights, Law, Land, and Estates to the Babylonian Masters of Deceit by false title and devious means. But now the time has come, as these Articles are being issued and confirmed, as My Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity is being prepared for global publication, and as the Kingdom of David is now situated in its proper station in this World, that The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David, for the People and the Land, has been fully vested and established,

The Court is fully established and empowered by Sovereign Prerogative of the King.

in order to provide the Members of this Society the proper venue and jurisdiction

Self-explanatory that the people now have a proper venue and jurisdiction.

so that they may come forward to Claim their Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Rights, and by assertion of their Sovereign Free Will, to assert a Claim by Right for their Rights, Law, Land, and Estates.

In which they can state a claim in that higher jurisdiction, even while still having impairments and attachments to and within the Matrix. First and foremost we must Claim the Right(s) to thereby claim our Rights, Law, Land, and Estates.

Any Lands of the People sitting under the limited property titles, within the United States of America, or any other land mass and Nation State on Earth,

There is a difference between Land and Property. No corporation in bankruptcy can claim Land (and all corporations as corporate sub-divisions of the master corporation are bankrupt); the limited property titles are only Certificated Titles, or Deeds of Trust, that are actually property of the United States and the other Nation States, and they in turn have collateralized all such property as pledge against the bankrupt estate.

shall be subject to proper claim by said individuals as Members of D’Vida Private Society, and can be entered into the Land Rolls and Records of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David,

Once the status is corrected one then has the standing to state a claim, and it is essential to claim the right of free hold of the land (that one has proper assignment of via the public title system, meaning that one’s franchise is the title holder in the public) in order to perfect one’s standing on the Land and in Law. Once done we have established the system of Land Rolls and Records in the Court to have the permanent archival record system. This is, in effect, the doorway through which we walk back onto the land.

and thereafter shall be issued My Letters Patent for a perpetual record of proper land stewardship anywhere in this world.

This reference of letter patent is how the Crown Sovereign uses his authority and power to establish the highest form of clear, private, and perfected title, and when this is done concurrently with removing all overlays, claims, and liabilities, the Land is now within the protected sanctuary of the Kingdom of David, but the true Land Holder is the Individual Being, not the King, and is defined in terms of stewardship, not ownership.

This is equally true for all First People Domains who have been dispossessed of their Lands, and whomsoever of them shall enter into a Treaty of Mutual Cognizance with the Kingdom of David and the Office of Crown Sovereign, shall be fully empowered to take such steps as to reclaim their Lands and be thereafter supported in building proper infrastructure for the benefit of their People to enjoy lives of Honor, Integrity, and Respect as we would wish for all People in this world, all under and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Crown Sovereign and the Kingdom of David.

Self-explanatory, this defines steps and method that all First People can remove themselves from the impairment and control of The Matrix System, and use the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of David to protect and preserve their original standing as the true stewards of their Lands.

As such, the Crown of the Kingdom of David sits in parity and comity with the said United States of America and all Nation States, with co-equal standing in Peace, while concurrently situated, as is stated in the Word and the Law that “He shall be a King over the Nations.” The Kingdom is at peace with the United States of America and all orthographic derivatives thereof, and is at Peace with all Nation States, all International Institutions, all First Peoples and all People in this world, neutral in the public and equally at Peace with all other world administrative bodies, governments, and bodies politic.

This establishes that the Kingdom is at peace with all political bodies in the world and is meeting those bodies on equal footing in terms of reciprocal cognizance/recognition and “comity” which means that they mutually recognize the validity of their jurisdictions, court systems, and law form. This further establishes that the acts of protecting the Rights of the People to claim the Land are in no way acts of aggression towards the Nation States in which the Lands of the People and the First Peoples are claimed, but are done by claim of Right and the superior authority of the Crown Sovereign to do so as a “King over the Nations”.

The said Letters Patent issued for the Lands in question within the United States of America and throughout the World, of, by, and for the People, shall be identified by metes and bounds to be surveyed and shall thereby cause all claim and jurisdiction of the United States of America or any other purported Nation State, to be removed and released.

The identification by “Metes and Bounds” takes the overlay away. That overlay is made up of the limited property titles that have been used to bond the People and their property and prevent access to standing on the Land and in Law. Land should never be identified with longitude and latitude as these are maritime references, but only by survey on the Land (measure and boundary).

This shall thereby convey all Rights, Titles, Tenements, Hereditaments, and Interests thereof to the original grantee and his or her Heirs and Assigns forever.

If a Living Being has his/her franchise as the property title holder in the public system, he or she is the final assignee of the underlying patented Land. All perfected Letters of Patent for Land are designated as being for the patent holder and his or her “Heirs and Assigns” forever. Even with the numerous layers of division that are platted above the Land, it still goes back to the original Land grant and patent and whatever sub-division one has claim to as a portion of a grant or patent establishes that they are the assignee and have the exclusive right to claim the land apportioned to them.

As such they are the Grantee, because the original Land was conveyed by a Sovereign in the old world system, whether a Crown Sovereign or the United States of America, and thus each successive named title holder is the Grantee. When it says “Original Grantee” that references the original named Grantee of a Land Grant, but the patent itself then transfers status of Grantee to the Heirs or Assigns forever. Thus, as the “last in line” we are equal to the status of “Original Grantee” and have the sole Right to claim the Right of freehold. When we take all the steps to do so, then the Land is removed from all jurisdictional claims, enforcement, codes and otherwise in the public matrix system.

This is absolutely true in the United States based on its unique political history post 1776, and relatively true in all other countries. But once the original First Peoples take these steps, then those not of those People can still claim the Right of the Land in the overall synergy of the way we have set up these relationship with D’Vida Members, First Peoples, and the Nation States. More on this point will be explained later.

As the last in line of such rights of succession, I, His Majesty David Joel, in My Proper Standing as stated herein, do claim such rights, titles, and interests of said Lands for the People,

The King is the last in line of succession of the highest recognized House on the planet and in history, and in that position, as Crown Sovereign, he is using that proper standing to claim all of His Rights, Titles, Interests (and more) of the Lands “For The People” (not Himself or the Kingdom). This is why he is described as the door through which all can walk to return to the Land and Standing and remove the overlay of dominance and control.

that shall be vested into the perpetual land trust of the Kingdom of David,

The standing and Right of claim is a position of trust and stewardship to the Beneficiaries, which are the future generations in this world. Thus, we call it a Land Trust and each being who takes these steps is the Living Beneficiary and thereafter the line of succession of the specific Landed Title Estate is perpetual and can be passed generation to generation and will prevent the standing there upon to ever be abrogated again.

and to be protected by the Office of the Protector and Advocate for the Ekklesia, and his Successors, and this shall be binding upon My Heirs and Successors, forever, and shall be known as “The Kingdom of David Beulah Land.”

This refers the protection of these Rights and Standing to the Office of Protector and Advocate, which is solely for the benefit of the People (the Ekklesia). The Court of highest competence in this is the Court of the Ekklesia, so all of the Law form therein is now in place and will further be developed and designed solely for the protection of the People and their Rights, Law, Land, and Estates. Nothing is hidden or unrevealed in that regard. The reference to Kingdom of David “Beulah” Land is taken from a Bible passage (Isaiah 62:4) that states the Land will no longer be desolate (meaning abandoned, because all People in this world have abandoned their rightful and proper estates) and is now returned to proper standing, as married. Although the passage refers to classic Biblical terms, in the higher meaning, it means the marriage between spirit and matter (the marriage of bridegroom and bride).

This is open to personal interpretation, but rising above a religious content, it means the removal of the parasite, the healing of the Planet and the Land and the People, the merger of Universal Law and Principle/Principal, Spirit and Matter, Soul and Substance. It is in this matter and in all matters solely up to each Living Beneficiary to interpret this as they wish, pursuant to their “Personal Beliefs and Private Conscience”.

It is important to also be clear that the Office is both the singular Office held by a Sole Office Holder who directs the Office and all of its extensions, but equally it is the Office of Protection and Advocacy for all of the People. It will be built as an administrative structure to support any and all in their process and pursuits of returning to Life in clearing all entanglements of a legal, lawful, and monetary nature and character because most do not know how that is done. So the applied function of the Office is to guide and support and protect all such processes to go smoothly and free of manipulation and interference as all too often happens in the current system.

Finally, in relation to the original Grantee, keep in mind The Matrix Control System of the lines of King and Priest, wherein the King was intended to own and control all of the Land. The origin of this goes back to the concept in the Babylonian and Associated Systems of “The Divine Right of Kings” and something called the “Descent of Kingship”. This was framed to be the Absolute Right of King’s as handed down by “The Gods”. This began in sumer with the concept of the “Decrees of the Gods” known As “Me” (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/me_(mythology).

Notice that the first “Me” was “enship” and en = priest. So it all started with the Priests, who then stood over the Kings (just as today with the Pope having ultimate power to place the Crown on the heads of the Sovereigns). But remember The Matrix and the Parasite only mirror and mimic the true template of Life. In that true template those who are aligned with Life, the Planet, and Universal Law, with nothing interfering or in between, are the actual true and original Grantees of Life, Law, and Land.

Now the Living Man holding the Office of Crown Sovereign is standing as a bridge from The Matrix to the new system in Life, and that is why the court system that ensues from his Sovereign Prerogative in the Articles of Establishment of the Ecclesiastical Court (for the People and the Land) is the doorway through which we walk back onto the Land.

Concurrently, we are transmuting the archetype of the “Priests” as the absolute authority of the Law that binds the flesh and souls of the People for harveting. The Law now stands in the new system in its Highest Authority vested in the People, the Ekklesia. But in order for that to be real, the People holding the Law must clear The Matrix out of their various bodies so that the wisdom of Universal Law can come forth in a clear and unadulterated manner. Therein lies the work ahead of us.


Who is the Proper Grantee of the Land?

There is a difference between land and property. No corporation in bankruptcy can claim land (and all corporations as corporate sub-divisions of the master corporation are bankrupt); the limited property titles are only certificated titles, or deeds of trust, that are actually property of the United States and the other Nation States, and they in turn have collateralized all such property as pledge against the bankrupt estate.

MEMBER QUESTION:  I’m seeing the following quote on page 7 of the D’Vida Private Society Articles of Establishment:

“…The said Letters Patent issued for the Lands in question within the United States of America and throughout the World, of, by, and for the People, shall be identified by metes and bounds to be surveyed and shall thereby cause all claim and jurisdiction of the United States of America or any other purported Nation State, to be removed and released. This shall thereby convey all Rights, Titles, Tenements, Hereditaments, and Interests thereof to the original grantee and his or her Heirs and Assigns forever…”

This is confusing: does it mean to the original owners prior to owning within the USA/state/colonial system imposed or does it mean to the current owner? Who is the ‘original grantee’ it is talking about? Grantee of what, exactly? I think it’s saying that the Kingdom of David is the original Grantee but it doesn’t make sense.

A What is important to do in answering this question is to expand the point. To do so, it has to be put in context of the section from which the quote is taken: Rights, Law, Land, and Estates of the People. Further context is to refer to what has been stated in the Proclamation of Peace introductory videos that refer to David Joel as “The Doorway” through which all the People can walk in order to leave Babylon and return to lawful standing on the Land.

Without standing on the Land, the People do not have any capacity in Law. Stated otherwise, one does not have “standing to state a claim” as a bonded surety to a bankrupt franchise. Once one takes the steps to sever the attachment to the franchise and make arrangements for settling and closing all claims and liabilities against the franchise, then we have standing to state a claim (which we do by claiming our law, rights, estates, and body/genetic ancestral lineage). Without standing one cannot “state a claim” and therefore one cannot “stake a claim” (on the land). When we change our status and gain that standing, we do not claim “ownership” of the land, we claim the right to hold the land in free hold, in allodium.

So let’s go through the section referenced above starting at page 6 of the D’Vida Private Society Articles of Establishment, and analyze what is being said and how it relates to all of this.


Rights, Law, Land, and Estates of the People

Extract from the D’Vida Private Society Articles of Establishment – Page 6.

The Peculiar Members of D’Vida Private Society

PECULIAR: In Ecclesiastical Law, a parish or church that has jurisdiction of ecclesiastical matters within itself (thus stating that the Members of D’Vida Private Society have the power of the Ekklesia, the Law of the People)

now and forever shall embody the Living Word as the Living Body of the Congregation, the Ekklesia, as those who have by their own Sovereign Free Will choice removed themselves from the bondage of the Babylonian Money Magic System, known in modern parlance as “The Matrix”, that sought to inveigle the consent of the People through artifice of deceit and diabolic manipulations that have spanned centuries and millennia, leading to the modern age of our lifetime.

This states that the Members, in their own Right as the Ekklesia (hence Ecclesiastical Law) have taken the steps to begin to sever the attachment to the Matrix/Babylon.

Through such methodologies, the People have unknowingly and without true and proper consent, been construed to have given their consent to such bondage and attachments. This has sapped the life force and the living substance of almost every Man, Woman, and Child now living on Planet Earth, and many who have already passed from this world. The result of all of this has been the unlawful transfer of the People’s Rights, Law, Land, and Estates to the Babylonian Masters of Deceit by false title and devious means. But now the time has come, as these Articles are being issued and confirmed, as My Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Integrity is being prepared for global publication, and as the Kingdom of David is now situated in its proper station in this World, that The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David, for the People and the Land, has been fully vested and established,

The Court is fully established and empowered by Sovereign Prerogative of the King.

in order to provide the Members of this Society the proper venue and jurisdiction

Self-explanatory that the people now have a proper venue and jurisdiction.

so that they may come forward to Claim their Sovereign Integrity and Sovereign Rights, and by assertion of their Sovereign Free Will, to assert a Claim by Right for their Rights, Law, Land, and Estates.

In which they can state a claim in that higher jurisdiction, even while still having impairments and attachments to and within the Matrix. First and foremost we must Claim the Right(s) to thereby claim our Rights, Law, Land, and Estates.

Any Lands of the People sitting under the limited property titles, within the United States of America, or any other land mass and Nation State on Earth,

There is a difference between Land and Property. No corporation in bankruptcy can claim Land (and all corporations as corporate sub-divisions of the master corporation are bankrupt); the limited property titles are only Certificated Titles, or Deeds of Trust, that are actually property of the United States and the other Nation States, and they in turn have collateralized all such property as pledge against the bankrupt estate.

shall be subject to proper claim by said individuals as Members of D’Vida Private Society, and can be entered into the Land Rolls and Records of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David,

Once the status is corrected one then has the standing to state a claim, and it is essential to claim the right of free hold of the land (that one has proper assignment of via the public title system, meaning that one’s franchise is the title holder in the public) in order to perfect one’s standing on the Land and in Law. Once done we have established the system of Land Rolls and Records in the Court to have the permanent archival record system. This is, in effect, the doorway through which we walk back onto the land.

and thereafter shall be issued My Letters Patent for a perpetual record of proper land stewardship anywhere in this world.

This reference of letter patent is how the Crown Sovereign uses his authority and power to establish the highest form of clear, private, and perfected title, and when this is done concurrently with removing all overlays, claims, and liabilities, the Land is now within the protected sanctuary of the Kingdom of David, but the true Land Holder is the Individual Being, not the King, and is defined in terms of stewardship, not ownership.

This is equally true for all First People Domains who have been dispossessed of their Lands, and whomsoever of them shall enter into a Treaty of Mutual Cognizance with the Kingdom of David and the Office of Crown Sovereign, shall be fully empowered to take such steps as to reclaim their Lands and be thereafter supported in building proper infrastructure for the benefit of their People to enjoy lives of Honor, Integrity, and Respect as we would wish for all People in this world, all under and within the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of the Crown Sovereign and the Kingdom of David.

Self-explanatory, this defines steps and method that all First People can remove themselves from the impairment and control of The Matrix System, and use the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of David to protect and preserve their original standing as the true stewards of their Lands.

As such, the Crown of the Kingdom of David sits in parity and comity with the said United States of America and all Nation States, with co-equal standing in Peace, while concurrently situated, as is stated in the Word and the Law that “He shall be a King over the Nations.” The Kingdom is at peace with the United States of America and all orthographic derivatives thereof, and is at Peace with all Nation States, all International Institutions, all First Peoples and all People in this world, neutral in the public and equally at Peace with all other world administrative bodies, governments, and bodies politic.

This establishes that the Kingdom is at peace with all political bodies in the world and is meeting those bodies on equal footing in terms of reciprocal cognizance/recognition and “comity” which means that they mutually recognize the validity of their jurisdictions, court systems, and law form. This further establishes that the acts of protecting the Rights of the People to claim the Land are in no way acts of aggression towards the Nation States in which the Lands of the People and the First Peoples are claimed, but are done by claim of Right and the superior authority of the Crown Sovereign to do so as a “King over the Nations”.

The said Letters Patent issued for the Lands in question within the United States of America and throughout the World, of, by, and for the People, shall be identified by metes and bounds to be surveyed and shall thereby cause all claim and jurisdiction of the United States of America or any other purported Nation State, to be removed and released.

The identification by “Metes and Bounds” takes the overlay away. That overlay is made up of the limited property titles that have been used to bond the People and their property and prevent access to standing on the Land and in Law. Land should never be identified with longitude and latitude as these are maritime references, but only by survey on the Land (measure and boundary).

This shall thereby convey all Rights, Titles, Tenements, Hereditaments, and Interests thereof to the original grantee and his or her Heirs and Assigns forever.

If a Living Being has his/her franchise as the property title holder in the public system, he or she is the final assignee of the underlying patented Land. All perfected Letters of Patent for Land are designated as being for the patent holder and his or her “Heirs and Assigns” forever. Even with the numerous layers of division that are platted above the Land, it still goes back to the original Land grant and patent and whatever sub-division one has claim to as a portion of a grant or patent establishes that they are the assignee and have the exclusive right to claim the land apportioned to them.

As such they are the Grantee, because the original Land was conveyed by a Sovereign in the old world system, whether a Crown Sovereign or the United States of America, and thus each successive named title holder is the Grantee. When it says “Original Grantee” that references the original named Grantee of a Land Grant, but the patent itself then transfers status of Grantee to the Heirs or Assigns forever. Thus, as the “last in line” we are equal to the status of “Original Grantee” and have the sole Right to claim the Right of freehold. When we take all the steps to do so, then the Land is removed from all jurisdictional claims, enforcement, codes and otherwise in the public matrix system.

This is absolutely true in the United States based on its unique political history post 1776, and relatively true in all other countries. But once the original First Peoples take these steps, then those not of those People can still claim the Right of the Land in the overall synergy of the way we have set up these relationship with D’Vida Members, First Peoples, and the Nation States. More on this point will be explained later.

As the last in line of such rights of succession, I, His Majesty David Joel, in My Proper Standing as stated herein, do claim such rights, titles, and interests of said Lands for the People,

The King is the last in line of succession of the highest recognized House on the planet and in history, and in that position, as Crown Sovereign, he is using that proper standing to claim all of His Rights, Titles, Interests (and more) of the Lands “For The People” (not Himself or the Kingdom). This is why he is described as the door through which all can walk to return to the Land and Standing and remove the overlay of dominance and control.

that shall be vested into the perpetual land trust of the Kingdom of David,

The standing and Right of claim is a position of trust and stewardship to the Beneficiaries, which are the future generations in this world. Thus, we call it a Land Trust and each being who takes these steps is the Living Beneficiary and thereafter the line of succession of the specific Landed Title Estate is perpetual and can be passed generation to generation and will prevent the standing there upon to ever be abrogated again.

and to be protected by the Office of the Protector and Advocate for the Ekklesia, and his Successors, and this shall be binding upon My Heirs and Successors, forever, and shall be known as “The Kingdom of David Beulah Land.”

This refers the protection of these Rights and Standing to the Office of Protector and Advocate, which is solely for the benefit of the People (the Ekklesia). The Court of highest competence in this is the Court of the Ekklesia, so all of the Law form therein is now in place and will further be developed and designed solely for the protection of the People and their Rights, Law, Land, and Estates. Nothing is hidden or unrevealed in that regard. The reference to Kingdom of David “Beulah” Land is taken from a Bible passage (Isaiah 62:4) that states the Land will no longer be desolate (meaning abandoned, because all People in this world have abandoned their rightful and proper estates) and is now returned to proper standing, as married. Although the passage refers to classic Biblical terms, in the higher meaning, it means the marriage between spirit and matter (the marriage of bridegroom and bride).

This is open to personal interpretation, but rising above a religious content, it means the removal of the parasite, the healing of the Planet and the Land and the People, the merger of Universal Law and Principle/Principal, Spirit and Matter, Soul and Substance. It is in this matter and in all matters solely up to each Living Beneficiary to interpret this as they wish, pursuant to their “Personal Beliefs and Private Conscience”.

It is important to also be clear that the Office is both the singular Office held by a Sole Office Holder who directs the Office and all of its extensions, but equally it is the Office of Protection and Advocacy for all of the People. It will be built as an administrative structure to support any and all in their process and pursuits of returning to Life in clearing all entanglements of a legal, lawful, and monetary nature and character because most do not know how that is done. So the applied function of the Office is to guide and support and protect all such processes to go smoothly and free of manipulation and interference as all too often happens in the current system.

Finally, in relation to the original Grantee, keep in mind The Matrix Control System of the lines of King and Priest, wherein the King was intended to own and control all of the Land. The origin of this goes back to the concept in the Babylonian and Associated Systems of “The Divine Right of Kings” and something called the “Descent of Kingship”. This was framed to be the Absolute Right of King’s as handed down by “The Gods”. This began in sumer with the concept of the “Decrees of the Gods” known As “Me” (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/me_(mythology).

Notice that the first “Me” was “enship” and en = priest. So it all started with the Priests, who then stood over the Kings (just as today with the Pope having ultimate power to place the Crown on the heads of the Sovereigns). But remember The Matrix and the Parasite only mirror and mimic the true template of Life. In that true template those who are aligned with Life, the Planet, and Universal Law, with nothing interfering or in between, are the actual true and original Grantees of Life, Law, and Land.

Now the Living Man holding the Office of Crown Sovereign is standing as a bridge from The Matrix to the new system in Life, and that is why the court system that ensues from his Sovereign Prerogative in the Articles of Establishment of the Ecclesiastical Court (for the People and the Land) is the doorway through which we walk back onto the Land.

Concurrently, we are transmuting the archetype of the “Priests” as the absolute authority of the Law that binds the flesh and souls of the People for harveting. The Law now stands in the new system in its Highest Authority vested in the People, the Ekklesia. But in order for that to be real, the People holding the Law must clear The Matrix out of their various bodies so that the wisdom of Universal Law can come forth in a clear and unadulterated manner. Therein lies the work ahead of us.