A Private Jurisdiction Within A Private Society
The Court of PanTerraVida Private Society is established on our standing to hold and sustain a private jurisdiction as a Private Society. All societies in the world, whether public or private, have the right and capacity to establish their own jurisdiction, law form, court, treasury, and judicial authority. The original PanTerra D’Oro Private Society was founded over twenty years ago and has operated on this basis for most of that time without any interference from outside parties.
Our secret is simple, we always proceed in Honor and Respect of other jurisdictions and stand in Peace and Neutral Co-existence. We have pioneered this concept and have road-tested it many times, without ever having any adverse issues that could not be properly, lawfully, and peacefully resolved.
The Court of the People is established on the paramount consideration that in a private society environment the People are the highest form of Law. This is upheld by the construction of our Private Contract Association, because contract is in fact the foundation of all law – the contract makes the law. The knowledge of how jurisdiction really works is essential to know how this is not only a concept in abstract theory, but functions in practical terms. We know this to be true because we have, as stated above, road-tested it with many authorities and agencies in the United States and around the world, and it has always stood the test. So, in effect, the People are the Law and thus, the Court is the Court of the People.
Now, these two short paragraphs are simple enough to understand, but to really know how to apply these principles requires an extensive education in law, equity, and related subjects. This is one of the primary purposes of GEMSTONE University and GEMA, to teach these subjects so that more and more People can learn, integrate, and apply these principles and knowledge. In months to come, starting from the inception of this website (December 2022) we will be building all of the systems, structures, and applications – as discussed on the site – for more expanded access to all of our materials in the GEMSTONE University. To access all of the content on the GEMSTONE University site, one must become a General Education Member (GEM) – see our Be A Member page. This requirement is so that all who access our sites are contracted members in our Private Contract Association. This will retain the integrity of our private environment within the Society, Law Form, and Jurisdiction of PanTerraVida. This keeps us private and secure, while at the same time being at peace with all sovereign bodies politic and private entities with which we will have occasion to interface and interact. It is all a matter of Private Contract and Private Association.
So come on in if this is of interest to you, and learn how you can apply all of this to your personal life for the betterment of your family, community, country, and our world together – as we Stand Together in pursuit of Our Noble Expression.
The Court of PanTerraVida Private Society is established on our standing to hold and sustain a private jurisdiction as a Private Society. All societies in the world, whether public or private, have the right and capacity to establish their own jurisdiction, law form, court, treasury, and judicial authority. The original PanTerra D’Oro Private Society was founded over twenty years ago and has operated on this basis for most of that time without any interference from outside parties.
Our secret is simple, we always proceed in Honor and Respect of other jurisdictions and stand in Peace and Neutral Co-existence. We have pioneered this concept and have road-tested it many times, without ever having any adverse issues that could not be properly, lawfully, and peacefully resolved.
The Court of the People is established on the paramount consideration that in a private society environment the People are the highest form of Law. This is upheld by the construction of our Private Contract Association, because contract is in fact the foundation of all law – the contract makes the law. The knowledge of how jurisdiction really works is essential to know how this is not only a concept in abstract theory, but functions in practical terms. We know this to be true because we have, as stated above, road-tested it with many authorities and agencies in the United States and around the world, and it has always stood the test. So, in effect, the People are the Law and thus, the Court is the Court of the People.
Now, these two short paragraphs are simple enough to understand, but to really know how to apply these principles requires an extensive education in law, equity, and related subjects. This is one of the primary purposes of GEMSTONE University and GEMA, to teach these subjects so that more and more People can learn, integrate, and apply these principles and knowledge. In months to come, starting from the inception of this website (December 2022) we will be building all of the systems, structures, and applications – as discussed on the site – for more expanded access to all of our materials in the GEMSTONE University. To access all of the content on the GEMSTONE University site, one must become a General Education Member (GEM) – see our Be A Member page. This requirement is so that all who access our sites are contracted members in our Private Contract Association. This will retain the integrity of our private environment within the Society, Law Form, and Jurisdiction of PanTerraVida. This keeps us private and secure, while at the same time being at peace with all sovereign bodies politic and private entities with which we will have occasion to interface and interact. It is all a matter of Private Contract and Private Association.
So come on in if this is of interest to you, and learn how you can apply all of this to your personal life for the betterment of your family, community, country, and our world together – as we Stand Together in pursuit of Our Noble Expression.

A New Just System of Self-Determination and Self-Governance. The Court of the People is where the People embody the Law. True Law of Life, Honor, and Respect, to protect the Peoples’ Land, Law, Rights, and Estates.

The Mandates and Writs of the Court provide protection against any person, agency, office, or public institution that purports to have authority to override your right of choice when it comes to matters of your health, body, family and related subjects. COMING SOON!

The Court of the People

The foundation of the Law Form within the jurisdiction of our Society has been established through the work done over the last twenty years in the PanTerra D’Oro Private Society that has been renamed PanTerraVida. Through extensive research and consistent implementation, our Law Form now stands as a pioneering synthesis of Law, Equity, and Universal Principles. Our original court name for many years was the Court of the Ekklesia, based on the etymological roots of the Greek word that is the root of the word ecclesiastical. In its original definition it means the “Body of the Congregation” that we have interpreted to be the Living Body of the People. As we move forward in advancing our work and refining the Society through experience and continuing study, we have decided to rename the court as Court of the People.
Our research and study determined long ago that there have been two principal methods of control of the world’s people through two established pillars of religion, politics, economics, and social control. These are the Line of the King and the Line of the Priest, now generally seen as State and Church. The King or sovereign crown has held and controlled the land through many intricate methods of manipulation, propaganda, and inculcated beliefs. The Priest has controlled the Law by the methodology of indoctrination in belief systems, religious institutions, and the steady programming of the populations to believe they must follow the laws, rules, rituals, and dogma established and controlled by the priestcraft of the Church in order to be considered worthy to live one’s life and earn rewards in the hereafter. The People have been “lifted off the land” and placed into a controlled containment field within which they must follow the Law of the Priest in its many guises. Today there are many priesthoods in law, medicine, social bureaucracy, legislative bodies, and virtually everything in one’s life. Thus, we no longer have a direct relationship with the land and soil of the Earth or the freedom of choice to direct our own lives.

But this is not a true expression of Life, it is a controlled holographic “reality construct” in which many exist in fear and trepidation, rather than live in joy and creativity. There is a way out of this controlled Matrix and it requires one to take steps to remove oneself from the presumptions of consent that keep us bound to this controlled system. The starting point for such a journey is to know that we have the power and authority to embody higher principles of Law as Universal Truths, and as such, the PanTerraVida Court of the People is our starting point to replace the Law of the Priest with the Law of the People. We are the Living Body that is Source-Connected in communion with Life and not cowering in fear (whether it is fear of “God” or fear of the system or the rules of the priests or the codified ordinances of the king). We have now moved through many layers of our journey in achieving our intended destination, Freedom Absolute. This phrase is defined as a state of Being that is truly free of all entanglements, belief systems, artificial rules, and karmic wounds of the past. This journey is now well defined and laid out in the education and work we have developed in our Society over many decades and with the contributions of many Beings.
With respect to our Law Form and Court of the People, we have written and rewritten our Articles of Establishment for the Court numerous times over the last twenty years. In this process we have refined our knowing and clarity as to how a law form can be designed to achieve balance and equity in our relations within the Society, and with the larger society as a whole. This has involved a deep study of the law in all of its permutations and designs to emerge with a synthesis of the best from each sector of what is generally referred to as “law.” Law is a multi-faceted creature and requires diligent study to integrate into oneself beyond the quite false perception that is perpetrated in the public view. But it is something that is able to be comprehended and integrated with study and guidance, which is what we provide for our members better than most. Additionally, we are focused on real solutions through practical application, and not just random theory or disconnected strings of facts.
With such an approach, it becomes clear that the People can embody the law and establish their own law form and court and lawful remedies. To this purpose we have established the Court of the People based on decades of experience and tried and true solutions. When we take the steps to remove ourselves from the bondage of the Matrix we return to our proper standing on the Land, and thus remove the overlay of the presumption that the ”King” owns all the land (a very false presumption indeed!). And when we take such steps, we have standing to claim the Law and thus remove the overlay of the Law of the Priests in all their varied permutations in today’s “modern” world. Thus, our Court of the People is established to return the power of the Law back to the People, and thereby to remove the shackles of the overlay Babylonian/Matrix system of debt, death, and bondage.
The Court of the People

The foundation of the Law Form within the jurisdiction of our Society has been established through the work done over the last twenty years in the PanTerra D’Oro Private Society that has been renamed PanTerraVida. Through extensive research and consistent implementation, our Law Form now stands as a pioneering synthesis of Law, Equity, and Universal Principles. Our original court name for many years was the Court of the Ekklesia, based on the etymological roots of the Greek word that is the root of the word ecclesiastical. In its original definition it means the “Body of the Congregation” that we have interpreted to be the Living Body of the People. As we move forward in advancing our work and refining the Society through experience and continuing study, we have decided to rename the court as Court of the People.
Our research and study determined long ago that there have been two principal methods of control of the world’s people through two established pillars of religion, politics, economics, and social control. These are the Line of the King and the Line of the Priest, now generally seen as State and Church. The King or sovereign crown has held and controlled the land through many intricate methods of manipulation, propaganda, and inculcated beliefs. The Priest has controlled the Law by the methodology of indoctrination in belief systems, religious institutions, and the steady programming of the populations to believe they must follow the laws, rules, rituals, and dogma established and controlled by the priestcraft of the Church in order to be considered worthy to live one’s life and earn rewards in the hereafter. The People have been “lifted off the land” and placed into a controlled containment field within which they must follow the Law of the Priest in its many guises. Today there are many priesthoods in law, medicine, social bureaucracy, legislative bodies, and virtually everything in one’s life. Thus, we no longer have a direct relationship with the land and soil of the Earth or the freedom of choice to direct our own lives.

But this is not a true expression of Life, it is a controlled holographic “reality construct” in which many exist in fear and trepidation, rather than live in joy and creativity. There is a way out of this controlled Matrix and it requires one to take steps to remove oneself from the presumptions of consent that keep us bound to this controlled system. The starting point for such a journey is to know that we have the power and authority to embody higher principles of Law as Universal Truths, and as such, the PanTerraVida Court of the People is our starting point to replace the Law of the Priest with the Law of the People. We are the Living Body that is Source-Connected in communion with Life and not cowering in fear (whether it is fear of “God” or fear of the system or the rules of the priests or the codified ordinances of the king). We have now moved through many layers of our journey in achieving our intended destination, Freedom Absolute. This phrase is defined as a state of Being that is truly free of all entanglements, belief systems, artificial rules, and karmic wounds of the past. This journey is now well defined and laid out in the education and work we have developed in our Society over many decades and with the contributions of many Beings.
With respect to our Law Form and Court of the People, we have written and rewritten our Articles of Establishment for the Court numerous times over the last twenty years. In this process we have refined our knowing and clarity as to how a law form can be designed to achieve balance and equity in our relations within the Society, and with the larger society as a whole. This has involved a deep study of the law in all of its permutations and designs to emerge with a synthesis of the best from each sector of what is generally referred to as “law.” Law is a multi-faceted creature and requires diligent study to integrate into oneself beyond the quite false perception that is perpetrated in the public view. But it is something that is able to be comprehended and integrated with study and guidance, which is what we provide for our members better than most. Additionally, we are focused on real solutions through practical application, and not just random theory or disconnected strings of facts.
With such an approach, it becomes clear that the People can embody the law and establish their own law form and court and lawful remedies. To this purpose we have established the Court of the People based on decades of experience and tried and true solutions. When we take the steps to remove ourselves from the bondage of the Matrix we return to our proper standing on the Land, and thus remove the overlay of the presumption that the ”King” owns all the land (a very false presumption indeed!). And when we take such steps, we have standing to claim the Law and thus remove the overlay of the Law of the Priests in all their varied permutations in today’s “modern” world. Thus, our Court of the People is established to return the power of the Law back to the People, and thereby to remove the shackles of the overlay Babylonian/Matrix system of debt, death, and bondage.
The Court of the Living Body of Mankind

In recent years we undertook a path to work with the Line of the King, to see if we could bring forward the linage and traditions that underlie the entire world’s systems in law and other key issues. We now consider that to have been a side sojourn into an experimental phase of our journey. For those who came along for the ride, you know the details. For those who did not, those details and the things learned from the journey will be reported at an appropriate time in the future. Suffice it to say, that the result of the journey was to see that there remains deeply embedded karmic twists in the historical context of the very concept of royalty and kingship, and the final conclusion is quite clear – it is now time to leave all of that behind us. World events are now unfolding that substantiate this fact in many ways as all of the so-called “royal houses” are rapidly dissolving and becoming relics of the past.
The time is now for the People to wake up to their true capacity to be self-governing and self-responsible in matters that affect our destiny and our capacities to build a world that is fair and just and equitable. Out of that recent journey we expanded our insight as to how to build a true Court of the People. As we launch our new web site for PanTerraVida towards the end of the year 2022, we have undertaken to rewrite and reorganize documents and other foundational building blocks of our society. One of these key documents is the one that structured and delineated the comprehensive design of our Court. As we “go live” with the launch of this web site, that document has yet to be completed, so we are simply providing this overview introduction page for the moment, and anticipate that the more expanded presentation of our Court and its component parts will be available and posted here on this page sometime during the first quarter of 2023.
Be that as it may, the Court of the People is where we archive the records of all of our processes in correcting our status, establishing new societies and private associations, and the other functions of building our Society and holding our interests as we move forward to engage our active mobilization to build our Master Plan and the many projects we have brought forward over the years. The Master Plan that has been posted on the GEMSTONE University web site is also in great need for updating and revisions, as many important parts of the Plan have emerged since its publication on the GU site approximately six years ago. That too we anticipate will be ready for publication in the first quarter of 2023.
Our work is about guiding those ready to do so to walk out of the bondage of the Matrix and begin to build lives that are truly free and unlimited. If we are to build a new world, we must do so from our own true inner being that is free and unencumbered, and not out of the restrictions of a very unfree world system. The secret to do so is in the knowledge and applications of the Law and the foundations of Equity. The Court of the People is the Court of the Living Body of Mankind, made up of those who have removed themselves from the realm of the dead, come out of the sea of debt bondage and slavery, and now stand on the Free, Dry Soil of the Earth, in harmony and resonance with all of Life. As the People now take back the Law for true justice and equity (Maxim of Equity: “Equity Follows the Law”) we build a new reality out of the fertile soil of the living planet and secure our freedom by being the Law of the People.
For many thousands of years, Mankind has been held in bondage by the dual function of King and Priest. The King was vested with the land and only his chosen aristocratic families were entitled to have a free hold on the land. The rest of Mankind was lifted off the land and turned into landless serfs and peasants. It may appear otherwise, but the fact is, this status remains true today. In Law, the only ones who actually have standing in Law are those vested with true land titles. The rest are simply held in a containment field that is called the “Public” and the “Civil Body.” In this manner and method, we do not own land, we have no access to remedies in Law and Equity, and we do not even own our own possessions, property, young ones, and our own bodies. They are all considered pledged collateral to the STATE in deference to some “Royal” Crown that purports to own everything and everyone on the planet. Not what we were taught in school, now is it? Instead of true Law, we only have civil codes and rules, and these are essentially a continuation of the historical basis of control, which was and is the “Law of the Priest.”
Today, the “priesthood” is deployed in many, many areas: the medical, the judicial, the financial, the social, and much more. This is why you will see repeated many times in this website and in our educational materials that we must have standing in the Law and on the Land in order to regain our true Sovereign Integrity, personal Sovereign Free Will, and the collective power to direct and control our lives and our world.
What is Real Equity? What is True Law?
Equity is the corollary of Law, stated clearly in the Maxim of Equity, that Equity Follows the Law. Over the last thousand years of the history of jurisprudence, Law and Equity have evolved to be a well-suited pair that together provide the protections of Life, Property, and Sovereign Integrity for all People. But the real Key is to ask the question, Where is Law and Equity properly and righteously protected and enforced? Sadly, in our modern political and judicial systems, the answer is: Nowhere. The current world system has devolved into one of self-serving agendas of almost absolute corruption that harm almost everyone and do not honor any word or contract. Thus, the words of the Declaration of Independence (c. July 4. 1776) resound now through our hearts, uncontestably, that:
“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness; and when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
The Declaration of Independence is a document steeped in Real Equity, for it is essentially a Trust designed to provide the intended beneficiaries – which is all of Mankind – the preservation of principles of the highest order, and not solely those of the American colonists. Real Equity is the preservation of beneficial rights and equitable interests for the fulfillment of the intentions of the original grantors of a trust or the executors of an estate. Today, the estate we are most concerned with is the Global Estate, which belongs to this and all future generations. It is the immutable Gift of Life endowed to all People from the Source of all Creation, Life in its essential nature and Ineffable Essence; that which is beyond name that is the universal source of all being and all existence. This Estate is currently at the precipice of a profound crossroads, where one path leads to the abyss and irreversible collapse, and the other to the return to the true sanctity of the most precious thing in all of Creation: the pulse of Life that runs through all Living Things.
A New Declaration for the Ages

Most of us are familiar with the phrase, “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth”. Equity is the method by which the return of the true heritage and rightful estate that belongs to all of Life on this Earth is accomplished, and this is the true intention of the phrase. “The Earth belongs to those who will do what is right and necessary to heal the Earth and all of its inhabitants.” The enclosure in which this can be done, where true Protections and Immunities of Law and Equity can be found, is the most powerful of lawful forms available to the People – A Private Society and a Court of the People. The Court is where the judicial and court system created therein is established to uphold True Law, return to the People Real Equity, and Honor the Life Force in all Beings. The People’s Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity is a new Declaration for the Ages, a Voice of the People for all of time and the ever-present moment of the Eternal Now, that presents the foundations of Law, Equity, Justice, Peace, and Integrity by which all may work together to build Heaven on Earth. It is the People of this world who have built its institutions, its societies, its cultivated lands, its cities and farms, its vast commercial endeavors. Yet a small group of individuals compelled by self-interest have usurped it all to their own agendas in a “long history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny” over the People of this world. It is time now for the People to take control of their own destiny and re-embody the Law and Equity that belongs to all.

True Law is actually very simple. It is not about millions of codes that bind the People and steal their life force and property. True Law is about justice in its universal sense and is found in many places. It is discovered in the volumes of the world that have been written by philosophers and poets and jurists of the highest principle. It is revealed in spiritual teachings from every age and every culture. It is about true relations with each other that honor and respect the integrity of another sovereign being, while at the same time allowing for the Sovereign Free Will and Sovereign Integrity of all beings to be honored and respected. The original foundation of the United States of America was on the law form of a Republic. In a republic every single member honors and respects and protects the Rights of every other member.
We have (once again) been lied to as to what the true nature of Law really is when we have been taught now for many generations that the United States is a democracy and that our role in the world is to bring democracy to the other nations. Democracy is actually one of the highest forms of control ever conceived by the minds of men. It imposes “majority rule” on the whole, and as we can clearly see today, majority rule can be massively manipulated and controlled. In a Republic, the equal standing of all is honored and respected, and on that foundation, True Law can emerge. There is much to learn about what Law really is and how to integrate and balance Law with Equity. Ultimately Equity is about balance, fairness, and the honoring of the life force and creational capacity of all living things, and all Living Beings in the whole of Mankind. To understand Equity, study and contemplate the Maxims of Equity.
For thousands of years, perhaps even hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, the Original People of this world lived in concert with the Earth and dwelt upon the Land as the stewards and protectors of the living systems with which they lived in harmony. But today, such Peoples have borne the brunt of hundreds of years of genocide, lies, and avarice in an attempt to steal their lands and the resources found therein. And on what basis was this theft and genocide premised? On the so-called “Divine Rights of Kings.”
PanTerraVida: A Society Founded with Pure Intent

Our Society has been built over many years to be a place of refuge where all who choose Life can walk out of the realm of death that is Babylon, that is the artificial construct we call the Matrix, and return to the Land of the Living. To do this, we must have a proper court of competent jurisdiction, and that court is the Court of the People, the court where the People embody the Law and thereby replace the Law of the Priest with the Law of Life, Honor, and Respect. These are the true foundations of True Law – Life, Honor, Respect – principles sorely absent in today’s purported judicial systems.
The courts of the corporate Crown are the courts of commercial contracts, where such contracts proceed on the basis that the People and their Creative Productivity belong to some nebulous Crown that can purport to own all of the Land, People, and Property of this world, and lift the People into a containment field of debt, bondage, control, and death. And within such a system of eternal bondage a morally bankrupt Church proclaims that it has the right to cultivate our flesh in order to harvest our souls. We see no Divine Principal whatsoever in such a construct, and to such a construct we most assuredly do not consent.
There will no longer be a world system of Priest and King, Church and State, that serves a degenerate elite comprised of parasites on the body politic of the People and presumptively steals their Land for their own agenda. This Society stands for the Sovereign Integrity of all People and all Sovereign Bodies Politic on an equal field that has been sown with the seeds of Life to nourish every living Man, Woman, and Young Being in this world and return prosperity and plenitude to the People. Most especially we extend our hand to the First Peoples that have suffered under the onslaught of the old world system, to assist and support them in their return to their own Sovereign Integrity and the stewardship of their original and traditional Lands.
In months to come we will be bringing forward solutions and practical applications on how we can achieve these ideals and make them real in our own lives and for our families and communities. We understand that many of the concepts on this website are new for most people. We have all simply been lied to and misled for our entire lives, so this is to be expected. But it is never too late to remove the veils of confusion from our eyes and to reinvigorate ourselves with new knowledge and new capacities to preserve and protect our freedoms and our lives.
It is never too late, unless we choose not to take the first step, and not to act. The steps and implementation are actually quite simple and we assure all who take the first step that it will soon become second nature as to how this all works and how we can make it happen by working together. Many details will be provided as time unfolds, with education and guidance along the way. It is also a matter of finding like-minded people in our local communities and coming together to study and build the consensus that is so important to take the stand that we must take. Our coming together will surely create the whole as so much greater than the sum of the parts, and as a larger whole, worldwide, we will most assuredly make this a reality in this world, that all shall be free, all shall be honored in Sovereign Integrity, and all shall stand in Peace, our most Noble Expression.
Our Society has been built over many years to be a place of refuge where all who choose Life can walk out of the realm of death that is Babylon, that is the artificial construct we call the Matrix, and return to the Land of the Living. To do this, we must have a proper court of competent jurisdiction, and that court is the Court of the People, the court where the People embody the Law and thereby replace the Law of the Priest with the Law of Life, Honor, and Respect. These are the true foundations of True Law – Life, Honor, Respect – principles sorely absent in today’s purported judicial systems.
The courts of the corporate Crown are the courts of commercial contracts, where such contracts proceed on the basis that the People and their Creative Productivity belong to some nebulous Crown that can purport to own all of the Land, People, and Property of this world, and lift the People into a containment field of debt, bondage, control, and death. And within such a system of eternal bondage a morally bankrupt Church proclaims that it has the right to cultivate our flesh in order to harvest our souls. We see no Divine Principal whatsoever in such a construct, and to such a construct we most assuredly do not consent.
There will no longer be a world system of Priest and King, Church and State, that serves a degenerate elite comprised of parasites on the body politic of the People and presumptively steals their Land for their own agenda. This Society stands for the Sovereign Integrity of all People and all Sovereign Bodies Politic on an equal field that has been sown with the seeds of Life to nourish every living Man, Woman, and Young Being in this world and return prosperity and plenitude to the People. Most especially we extend our hand to the First Peoples that have suffered under the onslaught of the old world system, to assist and support them in their return to their own Sovereign Integrity and the stewardship of their original and traditional Lands.
In months to come we will be bringing forward solutions and practical applications on how we can achieve these ideals and make them real in our own lives and for our families and communities. We understand that many of the concepts on this website are new for most people. We have all simply been lied to and misled for our entire lives, so this is to be expected. But it is never too late to remove the veils of confusion from our eyes and to reinvigorate ourselves with new knowledge and new capacities to preserve and protect our freedoms and our lives.
It is never too late, unless we choose not to take the first step, and not to act. The steps and implementation are actually quite simple and we assure all who take the first step that it will soon become second nature as to how this all works and how we can make it happen by working together. Many details will be provided as time unfolds, with education and guidance along the way. It is also a matter of finding like-minded people in our local communities and coming together to study and build the consensus that is so important to take the stand that we must take. Our coming together will surely create the whole as so much greater than the sum of the parts, and as a larger whole, worldwide, we will most assuredly make this a reality in this world, that all shall be free, all shall be honored in Sovereign Integrity, and all shall stand in Peace, our most Noble Expression.