
Who is the Proper Grantee of the Land?

There is a difference between land and property. No corporation in bankruptcy can claim land (and all corporations as corporate sub-divisions of the master corporation are bankrupt); the limited property titles are only certificated titles, or deeds of trust, that are actually property of the United States and the other Nation States, and they in turn have collateralized all such property as pledge against the bankrupt estate.

Court of the People ~ Maxims of Equity

A primary objective of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David is to form a comprehensive, robust, and
dynamic judicial system that raises the integrity of Law to the highest level available at this time on Planet
Earth. The Maxims of Equity will be fundamental to the application of judicial procedures within the D’Vida Private Society judicial system.

The Nature of Bondage

On the record of live birth, the functions of the mother constitute a registration in which she is characterized as the “informant”, which literally means she is putting her newborn into “form”.

The Surname: Why we have changed from “Family” to “House”

We are making a change to our use of the word Family on our documents based on updated information we have recently researched. To explain this point there is some important background and context to understand.  Most of us are used to writing out our names with First Middle Last, and presume that our last …

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