FAQ Life Force – Kimberly Ann Goguen

Kim Goguen’s position as we understand it is based on a unique configuration/convergence of DNA, supposedly only occurring once every 2,000 years, in which she is purported to have every DNA line on the planet integrated in herself.

MEMBER QUESTION: Hi, I have been wondering if by submitting my documents that I am accepting the authority and jurisdiction of King David as exclusive. Will I be in any conflict if I also participate in the development of de jure assemblies that the Life Force movement is coordinating.

Because Kimberly Ann Goguen is claiming to be the guardian of the global assets that are registered in the Hall of Records as the highest legal authority on this planet. She claims to be the representative of the human race at the Universal Council, a ground commander, interim head of state, head of GIA – Global Intelligence Agency, KIMS – Key Intelligence Military System, Life Force Enforcement, Global Repository, and KIMS – Key Integrated Monetary System. Life Force has developed PGSD – Peoples Government Service Department, GPRC – Global Peace & Restoration Consortium of member States, GHWC – Global Health & Wellness Consortium, CFR – The Child & Family Restoration Council, GCDE – The Global Court of Dominion & Ethics, and UNN – United Network News. Under the guidance of the Life Force movement, hundreds of de jure assemblies have been established and GIA is successfully enforcing cease and desist orders in relation to COVID mandated by freezing bank accounts of companies who force their employees to get vaccinated in order to keep their jobs.

So are Kimberly Ann Goguen and King David competitors in terms of establishing global peace and start of the restoration plan and one will have to decide for one or another?

Response: Thank you for your inquiry. Kim Goguen’s position as we understand it is based on a unique configuration/convergence of DNA, supposedly only occurring once every 2,000 years, in which she is purported to have every DNA line on the planet integrated in herself. We also understand that the trust she now heads was created by Marduk, son of Enki, grandson of Anu, and is supposed to be 35,000 years old and literally owns everything on the planet.

OK……Well many red flags there, including DNA harvesting and synthesizing, Anunaki, control systems of the world, negotiating with Rothschild and everyone else in the deep state, an absolute hierarchical ownership of everything ever produced by the creative work and energies of billions of beings over thousands and perhaps millions of years, and what she presented in one of her videos showing it is clearly a complete A.I. system, and the so called QFS is being presented as something that will become seamlessly interfaced with humanity’s DNA, as if that is a good thing. It is not a good thing in our opinion or perspective! All of this calls into question what she is doing, whether consciously or not. We have no doubt she is intending to do good things, but the question still remains as to exactly what it is she is doing with all of this and who is behind it. She says she holds all these positions to represent humanity in the universe, but did humanity have a say in this?

Our process is not connected to what she is speaking about in any way, nor is King David Joel a competitor to Kim (your expressed question). She is trying to make a new system work in the old, which means it includes double dealing, liars, cheaters and thieves, manipulation and game playing and brinkmanship. That doesn’t interest us. We are creating an entirely new system that is not at all dependent on the old and not beholden to it.

The real key is that what we are doing is unique because of our law form, jurisdiction, advanced expertise in law, and His Majesty David Joel’s solely and uniquely qualified standing and capacity as King David of the Ancient and Original House of David to claim the title, His Majesty King David, Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David. This is established on the necessary resources to make this real, which are secured, details of which cannot be made public at this time, but will be explained in due course, reasonably soon.

She states in her video, “We all know that Rothschild wears the Ring of Solomon.” But what does that mean?

The fact is, that the entire world system she describes was built on the patrimony of King Solomon who established a trust, funded it, and set the basis for the fiduciary trusteeship that has become what we know the world system is today, and established exactly who the “end time” beneficiary was to be. That sole, Living Beneficiary is David Joel, House of Weems (formerly Wemyss, the Original and Ancient House of David). They are all trustees, not beneficiaries. The beneficiary is King David, Crown Sovereign for the Kingdom of David. If Rothschild has the Ring of Solomon, that is as a trustee, not a principal, nor as the beneficiary. His Majesty David Joel is the Principal as Living Beneficiary of the House of David. His linage is documented and stands unrebutted and irrefutable. We have as yet to see any documentation made public to support Kim’s claims. The entirety of the trust corpus, the world system, must be conveyed to the sole beneficiary, and that is King David. They all know that.

But then we must ask the question: “OK, so if King David is the sole beneficiary, does that mean it is his solely, and he can do with it as he wishes regardless of what all of humanity wants or desires?” The technical answer to that would be “YES”, he can do with it what he wants. But the further answer is that what he has chosen to do is to irrevocably set up a configuration and system within the Kingdom of David that is structured so that all the power of the Law is returned to the People and so there is no overlordship of just another king who claims it all to himself. Secondly, he has established the Kingdom on the basis of equity and equitable foundations of interests and beneficial rights. What that means is that We the People, every living being on the planet, are the ultimate beneficiaries, we are the heirs to the global estate, and the entire structure and mechanisms that we have built so far and continue to build are being implemented to create the proper and balanced way to convey this inheritance back to the People.

We are working on this every single day, and although we have not published anything as of yet for the public to know the details, we are in fact developing all the details to make this a reality. Thus, King David as the sole beneficiary has already set up the treasury, banking, and monetary system to enable his beneficial rights to inure to the beneficial rights of every living being. This includes the Law Form, Courts, and Judicial system within the kingdom. This also includes the fact that the Court of the Ekklesia is the court of the People, and it is the highest authority in Law and Equity within The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David, for the People and the Land. Take notice that we very specifically and consciously extended the entire name of the Court to end with “For the People and the Land”. That is who the law form, court, treasury, monetary system, and the rest of the integrated structure of the Kingdom of David is for, and we state it straight away. The key in the paragraph above is that this system, structure, and design is in place and is IRREVOCABLE.

It cannot be undone or changed by anyone, whether the current King or any others that may follow. We understand many have a problem with the concept of a king and refuse to be involved with anything having to do with one. Our position is that “the only way out is in”, which means we cannot run away from the Matrix, we must go into it to transmute and transform the very systems and offices that were designed to control us. That includes treasuries, banking, monetary systems, courts, and kingship, among others. We are using these to create a bridge out of the madness of the Matrix, and it is based on a perfected knowledge of law, history, monetary mechanics, and much more. There are no hidden controls embedded in our system once one is educated and understands how the building blocks all work and how they come together as an integrated whole system.

Those of us who have been working diligently with His Majesty David Joel for several years now are dedicated to true and absolute freedom, not short-term fixes or band-aids. This can only happen when all are free, or at least that all have the opportunity to be free (some do not want to be free and that is their sovereign free will choice). But for those who do want to be free, it can only happen when all can be free if they choose. To achieve that, we must have systems and foundational principles that provide that universally for all, not just a few. So you can rest assured that we would not have joined forces with Kingdom of David and His Majesty David Joel if there were any compromises to this point at all. We are fully satisfied that there are none. The D’Vida Private Society is a sovereign body politic and is not under the authority of the King. It is the People. We are the Law and the Sovereign Authority, and the Court of the Ekklesia is our court. So what remains is that the People learn the law sufficiently to actually know how to apply it, and to start to do so by understanding that the vast majority (99.99%) of what is out there, even in the alternate law movement, is distorted, disconnected, or outright false. Without precise knowledge, integration, and true principles in application, in Law and Equity, nothing will change in this world. So to answer your questions about Kim and her organization, where is the Law, the education, the integrated systems to empower the People?

You appear to be someone who has spent some time and energy to read through the Individual Mandate Pack and the materials on the Proclamation of Peace website, thus you have gleaned some knowledge about the D’Vida Private Society and D’Vida Private Contract Association along with the Kingdom of David. We would direct you to notice that we choose to stand above the polarity, to preserve and protect the Peace and Sovereign Integrity of all of Mankind, and in so doing, be a true Universal House of Peace for all who wish to enter our society and join our intentions.

To then answer your question, if you activate your membership with the D’Vida Private Society and the Kingdom of David – will that be in conflict if you also participate in the development of de jure assemblies that the Life Force movement is coordinating with Kimberly Ann Goguen?

From our perspective, that is your sovereign free will choice and nothing that we do limits a being from choosing to do any and all things in their lives (other than to promote or cause violence or harm to another being). Depending on your personal intentions, knowledge, and goals, that is a choice reserved for you to decide. We are not interested nor will we pursue competition or purport to have the authority to tell another being what they can or cannot do. Standing for peace is standing for peace, period. It is not a trademarked or copyrighted material. We wish to support all who stand for peace and actively pursue their own self-directed pursuits and visions to bring forward their own unique contribution to peace in this world. If there is common ground within and upon which we can be cooperative together with other beings or organizations, that is our desire and intention. If there is now or in the future complimentary ground upon which we can work with Kim and her organizations to achieve the universal goal of peace in this world, we are open to all possibilities.

True peace can never be established on a foundation of separation, competition, or hierarchy. Thus, we strive daily to work within ourselves to do the necessary personal work and spiritual hygiene to heal those things within us that have caused such things to be projected outside of ourselves. True peace can only become real on the foundation of inner peace. So we work on the inner landscape as much as we do on the outer manifested field. Those things of the Matrix that perpetrates separation are secondary manifestations of what we have allowed within us. It is a work in progress and will be so for a very long time, so for now, we are laying the foundations in order to set our Will, Purpose, and Intent to achieve such goals.

This should answer your question.

Administration Team
D’Vida Private Society 


FAQ Life Force – Kimberly Ann Goguen

Kim Goguen’s position as we understand it is based on a unique configuration/convergence of DNA, supposedly only occurring once every 2,000 years, in which she is purported to have every DNA line on the planet integrated in herself.

MEMBER QUESTION: Hi, I have been wondering if by submitting my documents that I am accepting the authority and jurisdiction of King David as exclusive. Will I be in any conflict if I also participate in the development of de jure assemblies that the Life Force movement is coordinating.

Because Kimberly Ann Goguen is claiming to be the guardian of the global assets that are registered in the Hall of Records as the highest legal authority on this planet. She claims to be the representative of the human race at the Universal Council, a ground commander, interim head of state, head of GIA – Global Intelligence Agency, KIMS – Key Intelligence Military System, Life Force Enforcement, Global Repository, and KIMS – Key Integrated Monetary System. Life Force has developed PGSD – Peoples Government Service Department, GPRC – Global Peace & Restoration Consortium of member States, GHWC – Global Health & Wellness Consortium, CFR – The Child & Family Restoration Council, GCDE – The Global Court of Dominion & Ethics, and UNN – United Network News. Under the guidance of the Life Force movement, hundreds of de jure assemblies have been established and GIA is successfully enforcing cease and desist orders in relation to COVID mandated by freezing bank accounts of companies who force their employees to get vaccinated in order to keep their jobs.

So are Kimberly Ann Goguen and King David competitors in terms of establishing global peace and start of the restoration plan and one will have to decide for one or another?

Response: Thank you for your inquiry. Kim Goguen’s position as we understand it is based on a unique configuration/convergence of DNA, supposedly only occurring once every 2,000 years, in which she is purported to have every DNA line on the planet integrated in herself. We also understand that the trust she now heads was created by Marduk, son of Enki, grandson of Anu, and is supposed to be 35,000 years old and literally owns everything on the planet.

OK……Well many red flags there, including DNA harvesting and synthesizing, Anunaki, control systems of the world, negotiating with Rothschild and everyone else in the deep state, an absolute hierarchical ownership of everything ever produced by the creative work and energies of billions of beings over thousands and perhaps millions of years, and what she presented in one of her videos showing it is clearly a complete A.I. system, and the so called QFS is being presented as something that will become seamlessly interfaced with humanity’s DNA, as if that is a good thing. It is not a good thing in our opinion or perspective! All of this calls into question what she is doing, whether consciously or not. We have no doubt she is intending to do good things, but the question still remains as to exactly what it is she is doing with all of this and who is behind it. She says she holds all these positions to represent humanity in the universe, but did humanity have a say in this?

Our process is not connected to what she is speaking about in any way, nor is King David Joel a competitor to Kim (your expressed question). She is trying to make a new system work in the old, which means it includes double dealing, liars, cheaters and thieves, manipulation and game playing and brinkmanship. That doesn’t interest us. We are creating an entirely new system that is not at all dependent on the old and not beholden to it.

The real key is that what we are doing is unique because of our law form, jurisdiction, advanced expertise in law, and His Majesty David Joel’s solely and uniquely qualified standing and capacity as King David of the Ancient and Original House of David to claim the title, His Majesty King David, Crown Sovereign of the Kingdom of David. This is established on the necessary resources to make this real, which are secured, details of which cannot be made public at this time, but will be explained in due course, reasonably soon.

She states in her video, “We all know that Rothschild wears the Ring of Solomon.” But what does that mean?

The fact is, that the entire world system she describes was built on the patrimony of King Solomon who established a trust, funded it, and set the basis for the fiduciary trusteeship that has become what we know the world system is today, and established exactly who the “end time” beneficiary was to be. That sole, Living Beneficiary is David Joel, House of Weems (formerly Wemyss, the Original and Ancient House of David). They are all trustees, not beneficiaries. The beneficiary is King David, Crown Sovereign for the Kingdom of David. If Rothschild has the Ring of Solomon, that is as a trustee, not a principal, nor as the beneficiary. His Majesty David Joel is the Principal as Living Beneficiary of the House of David. His linage is documented and stands unrebutted and irrefutable. We have as yet to see any documentation made public to support Kim’s claims. The entirety of the trust corpus, the world system, must be conveyed to the sole beneficiary, and that is King David. They all know that.

But then we must ask the question: “OK, so if King David is the sole beneficiary, does that mean it is his solely, and he can do with it as he wishes regardless of what all of humanity wants or desires?” The technical answer to that would be “YES”, he can do with it what he wants. But the further answer is that what he has chosen to do is to irrevocably set up a configuration and system within the Kingdom of David that is structured so that all the power of the Law is returned to the People and so there is no overlordship of just another king who claims it all to himself. Secondly, he has established the Kingdom on the basis of equity and equitable foundations of interests and beneficial rights. What that means is that We the People, every living being on the planet, are the ultimate beneficiaries, we are the heirs to the global estate, and the entire structure and mechanisms that we have built so far and continue to build are being implemented to create the proper and balanced way to convey this inheritance back to the People.

We are working on this every single day, and although we have not published anything as of yet for the public to know the details, we are in fact developing all the details to make this a reality. Thus, King David as the sole beneficiary has already set up the treasury, banking, and monetary system to enable his beneficial rights to inure to the beneficial rights of every living being. This includes the Law Form, Courts, and Judicial system within the kingdom. This also includes the fact that the Court of the Ekklesia is the court of the People, and it is the highest authority in Law and Equity within The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David, for the People and the Land. Take notice that we very specifically and consciously extended the entire name of the Court to end with “For the People and the Land”. That is who the law form, court, treasury, monetary system, and the rest of the integrated structure of the Kingdom of David is for, and we state it straight away. The key in the paragraph above is that this system, structure, and design is in place and is IRREVOCABLE.

It cannot be undone or changed by anyone, whether the current King or any others that may follow. We understand many have a problem with the concept of a king and refuse to be involved with anything having to do with one. Our position is that “the only way out is in”, which means we cannot run away from the Matrix, we must go into it to transmute and transform the very systems and offices that were designed to control us. That includes treasuries, banking, monetary systems, courts, and kingship, among others. We are using these to create a bridge out of the madness of the Matrix, and it is based on a perfected knowledge of law, history, monetary mechanics, and much more. There are no hidden controls embedded in our system once one is educated and understands how the building blocks all work and how they come together as an integrated whole system.

Those of us who have been working diligently with His Majesty David Joel for several years now are dedicated to true and absolute freedom, not short-term fixes or band-aids. This can only happen when all are free, or at least that all have the opportunity to be free (some do not want to be free and that is their sovereign free will choice). But for those who do want to be free, it can only happen when all can be free if they choose. To achieve that, we must have systems and foundational principles that provide that universally for all, not just a few. So you can rest assured that we would not have joined forces with Kingdom of David and His Majesty David Joel if there were any compromises to this point at all. We are fully satisfied that there are none. The D’Vida Private Society is a sovereign body politic and is not under the authority of the King. It is the People. We are the Law and the Sovereign Authority, and the Court of the Ekklesia is our court. So what remains is that the People learn the law sufficiently to actually know how to apply it, and to start to do so by understanding that the vast majority (99.99%) of what is out there, even in the alternate law movement, is distorted, disconnected, or outright false. Without precise knowledge, integration, and true principles in application, in Law and Equity, nothing will change in this world. So to answer your questions about Kim and her organization, where is the Law, the education, the integrated systems to empower the People?

You appear to be someone who has spent some time and energy to read through the Individual Mandate Pack and the materials on the Proclamation of Peace website, thus you have gleaned some knowledge about the D’Vida Private Society and D’Vida Private Contract Association along with the Kingdom of David. We would direct you to notice that we choose to stand above the polarity, to preserve and protect the Peace and Sovereign Integrity of all of Mankind, and in so doing, be a true Universal House of Peace for all who wish to enter our society and join our intentions.

To then answer your question, if you activate your membership with the D’Vida Private Society and the Kingdom of David – will that be in conflict if you also participate in the development of de jure assemblies that the Life Force movement is coordinating with Kimberly Ann Goguen?

From our perspective, that is your sovereign free will choice and nothing that we do limits a being from choosing to do any and all things in their lives (other than to promote or cause violence or harm to another being). Depending on your personal intentions, knowledge, and goals, that is a choice reserved for you to decide. We are not interested nor will we pursue competition or purport to have the authority to tell another being what they can or cannot do. Standing for peace is standing for peace, period. It is not a trademarked or copyrighted material. We wish to support all who stand for peace and actively pursue their own self-directed pursuits and visions to bring forward their own unique contribution to peace in this world. If there is common ground within and upon which we can be cooperative together with other beings or organizations, that is our desire and intention. If there is now or in the future complimentary ground upon which we can work with Kim and her organizations to achieve the universal goal of peace in this world, we are open to all possibilities.

True peace can never be established on a foundation of separation, competition, or hierarchy. Thus, we strive daily to work within ourselves to do the necessary personal work and spiritual hygiene to heal those things within us that have caused such things to be projected outside of ourselves. True peace can only become real on the foundation of inner peace. So we work on the inner landscape as much as we do on the outer manifested field. Those things of the Matrix that perpetrates separation are secondary manifestations of what we have allowed within us. It is a work in progress and will be so for a very long time, so for now, we are laying the foundations in order to set our Will, Purpose, and Intent to achieve such goals.

This should answer your question.

Administration Team
D’Vida Private Society 

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