Structure of the Court of the Ekklesia

MEMBER QUESTION: I have read King David's Brief In Support. It refers to the Court of the Ekklesia for the D'Vida Private Society. I presume this has been done in that court, instead of the Court of the Ekklesia of the Kingdom of David because it has to be independent of him.

MEMBER QUESTION:   I have read King David’s Brief In Support.  It refers to the Court of the Ekklesia for the D’Vida Private Society. I presume this has been done in that court, instead of the Court of the Ekklesia of the Kingdom of David because it has to be independent of him.  Is this correct?  Otherwise, why has this not been done in the Court of the Ekklesia for PanTerra D’Oro?

A The answer to this has to do with the structure of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David (“EC4KOD”), which includes the Combined Courts within the Court itself. Each of the combined courts have defined functions that they will focus on, that establish each court’s venue for those specified purposes.  The first of these is the Court of the Ekklesia (“COTE”), which is the Court of the People (the Living Body however one wishes to call it, e.g., the Body of the Christos, the Unified Field, etc.).  It is the People’s court and the People’s law. 

The other courts are basically subdivisions of the COTE for the specified purposes of the People or variations of that with respect to the Court of Equity (King’s Conscience), the court from which Writs are issued, and so forth. Study this document The Royal Charter and Articles of Establishment of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David that establishes the Courts and is on the Proclamation of Peace website under the menu Ecclesiastical Court to get a full comprehension of the Court structure. Write down any questions and forward to the ‘Support Centre’, via your client login portal on the POP website. We can then organize questions into a FAQ pertaining to the Court and its functions, that can then be posted here under D’Vida Study Points.

Remember that we are turning everything upside down from the Matrix system of Domination and Control.  In the Domination and Control system, the law is used as a tool of suppression, control, and monetary extraction from the People. It is not a system of justice that reflects Universal Law. It is the opposite of that. In that system the People have no power and they are treated as property, cattle, and energy sources for their false reality, in other words batteries that fuel the false reality (the Matrix movie as documentary). In our Court system we are shifting the power and the law back to the People, and creating a system of Justice and Equity.  So the Court of the Ekklesia is paramount in the Combined Courts and within The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David. 

So to answer the question, there is no Court of the Ekklesia for the Kingdom of David that is different than the one for D’Vida. Court of the Ekklesia is equal to the court of the People as the body politic of the Kingdom of David, and thus the D’Vida Court of the Ekklesia is the Court of the Ekklesia of the King of David, but it is important to make sure we refer to it as the D’Vida Court of the Ekklesia (or “DCOTE”) instead of the Kingdom of David Court of the Ekklesia, because by definition Court of the Ekklesia means Court of the People, and the People are D’Vida, not the Kingdom of David. We are nestled within the Kingdom of David, standing equal with the Crown Sovereign in the reciprocal relationship through the Offer and Acceptance of the Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Intergrity and the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of David

We are now in a transition period where we are transferring all that has been built and designed over the last ten years in the PanTerra D’Oro Private Society (PTDO) process to create the Court of the Ekklesia into the D’Vida Court of the Ekklesia.  The reason for this is that we are all now standing as the body politic of the highest jurisdiction, the Kingdom of David, and this gives us more power, authority, and enforcement capacities than the PanTerra D’Oro Private Society.  We have spoken in the past about the process we have been building for many years towards objectifying PanTerra D’Oro’s jurisdiction.  Once we linked up with the Kingdom of David it became obvious that we would advance that process and perfect it more completely by integrating it all in the design and structure that we have developed (via the Proclamation of Peace process) over the last two years. 

The overall blueprint and design is now emerging into form and manifestation and the task before us is to build it, substantiate it, educate ourselves to know and understand it, and to implement it in real terms.  If we want true Justice in this world then it is up to us not only to intellectualize about an ideal, but to roll up our sleeves and do the hard work to make it real.  The first step in that is education.  The first step in the education is to be precise in language, which means not to blend one thing into another and presume they are the same. 

Another key point that many ask that needs clarification has to do with the spelling of Ecclesiastical and Ekklesia.  Why the difference between the two with the “cc” vs. “kk”?  We use Ekklesia because this is more accurate with respect to the original Greek word from which Ekklesia and Ecclesiastical are derived.  Ekklesia is the etymological root, derived from the Greek, with the original meaning of “Body of the congregation” and “those [in the body] who are set apart.”  The D’Vida Ekklesia have set themselves apart from the Cult of Death and now make up the Body of the People, the unified field of those walking into Life as we do the work to shed the trappings, attachments, and bonds of the realm of death.  Thus it is a more proper and accurate term to use to describe the Court of the Ekklesia, which means the Court of the People, of those set apart from the dead. 

We are now well underway with a planetary bifurcation that is separating the living from the dead.  In the larger context of the entire Court for the Kingdom of David, we choose to use the standard English spelling with the two C’s and overall this makes it easy to distinguish that the Ecclesiastical Court has been decreed by King David as part of the three principle building blocks of the reinstituted Kingdom:

1) The Government

2) The Treasury

3) The Court, and the Court of the Ekklesia

The Court of the Ekklesia is where the Law of the People is established. We are returning the power of the law and the substance of equity to the rightful heirs of the Global Estate, what is called in legal terms the Institution of Heirs. As such heirs, we are the Living Beneficiaries of the ancestral/lineal estate contained within the substance, genetics, and embodiments of our living bodies, clothed with Sovereign Integrity and directed by our Will, Purpose, and Intent to create a new world, the outward expression of our Sovereign Free Will.  

David Joel is the King over the nations according to the foundations of law upon which those nations built themselves over the last five hundred years.  The agenda and intent of building the nation state was to end up with a consolidated system of power through the United Nations and its associated institutions (IMF, World Bank, BIS, NGOs, etc.). It is a bait and switch.  It has been a tool to foment war, economic control, and the rest of it.  The words we are used to using to identify ourselves have a lot of hooks and negative import, such as Nation, National, Native.  They all actually lead back to servitude and slavery. Even the word Family that we use so often, we have now come to realize does the same thing. 

Can we use them anyway and restate our own intent and definitions?  Yes, we can.  But at the same time it is essential to expand our awareness and consciousness to be aware of what we are doing with words, language, and references.  In this respect His Majesty David Joel, King David, is the “King over the Nations”.  At the same time he is a Living Being, a Man. As a Man he, too, has attachments to the franchise and the system as well. In his Declaration of Status he is taking the steps to disconnect and sever those attachments, just as all of us can do. 

As such, he is a Living Being as one of the Ekklesia as well. He holds the Office of Crown Sovereign, while at the same time he is a Man amongst men and women and children, part of the Ekklesia.  So his Declaration of Status is recorded in the archival records of the D’Vida Court of the Ekklesia just like everyone else’s.  The only distinction is that he holds an ancestral linage of royal descent (as recognized in the world system over many thousands of years), so his standing within the Ekklesia is as “a Prince among men and women”, but that is still just a title to maintain his standing with respect to the cognizance of royal standing which is essential to the maintenance of the Kingdom of David jurisdiction. Foundationally he is equal with all as Men and Women with standing on the Land, a Living Being committed to Peace and Life. 

In the larger context we are all Princes and Princesses in Life. We stand as the Ekklesia, the Body Politic, the Living Christos as those who have walked out of the realm of death, having already removed or in the process of removing our attachments to the Cult of Death. We choose to set ourselves apart from those who are choosing another path and have come together as a unified field in Life, standing on the Land, in harmony with the Earth, committed to ourselves and to all of Life to work together to transform this creational field into one that honors and respects all living things, and as such we are all equal together. 


Structure of the Court of the Ekklesia

MEMBER QUESTION: I have read King David's Brief In Support. It refers to the Court of the Ekklesia for the D'Vida Private Society. I presume this has been done in that court, instead of the Court of the Ekklesia of the Kingdom of David because it has to be independent of him.

MEMBER QUESTION:   I have read King David’s Brief In Support.  It refers to the Court of the Ekklesia for the D’Vida Private Society. I presume this has been done in that court, instead of the Court of the Ekklesia of the Kingdom of David because it has to be independent of him.  Is this correct?  Otherwise, why has this not been done in the Court of the Ekklesia for PanTerra D’Oro?

A The answer to this has to do with the structure of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David (“EC4KOD”), which includes the Combined Courts within the Court itself. Each of the combined courts have defined functions that they will focus on, that establish each court’s venue for those specified purposes.  The first of these is the Court of the Ekklesia (“COTE”), which is the Court of the People (the Living Body however one wishes to call it, e.g., the Body of the Christos, the Unified Field, etc.).  It is the People’s court and the People’s law. 

The other courts are basically subdivisions of the COTE for the specified purposes of the People or variations of that with respect to the Court of Equity (King’s Conscience), the court from which Writs are issued, and so forth. Study this document The Royal Charter and Articles of Establishment of The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David that establishes the Courts and is on the Proclamation of Peace website under the menu Ecclesiastical Court to get a full comprehension of the Court structure. Write down any questions and forward to the ‘Support Centre’, via your client login portal on the POP website. We can then organize questions into a FAQ pertaining to the Court and its functions, that can then be posted here under D’Vida Study Points.

Remember that we are turning everything upside down from the Matrix system of Domination and Control.  In the Domination and Control system, the law is used as a tool of suppression, control, and monetary extraction from the People. It is not a system of justice that reflects Universal Law. It is the opposite of that. In that system the People have no power and they are treated as property, cattle, and energy sources for their false reality, in other words batteries that fuel the false reality (the Matrix movie as documentary). In our Court system we are shifting the power and the law back to the People, and creating a system of Justice and Equity.  So the Court of the Ekklesia is paramount in the Combined Courts and within The Ecclesiastical Court for the Kingdom of David. 

So to answer the question, there is no Court of the Ekklesia for the Kingdom of David that is different than the one for D’Vida. Court of the Ekklesia is equal to the court of the People as the body politic of the Kingdom of David, and thus the D’Vida Court of the Ekklesia is the Court of the Ekklesia of the King of David, but it is important to make sure we refer to it as the D’Vida Court of the Ekklesia (or “DCOTE”) instead of the Kingdom of David Court of the Ekklesia, because by definition Court of the Ekklesia means Court of the People, and the People are D’Vida, not the Kingdom of David. We are nestled within the Kingdom of David, standing equal with the Crown Sovereign in the reciprocal relationship through the Offer and Acceptance of the Proclamation of Peace and Sovereign Intergrity and the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of David

We are now in a transition period where we are transferring all that has been built and designed over the last ten years in the PanTerra D’Oro Private Society (PTDO) process to create the Court of the Ekklesia into the D’Vida Court of the Ekklesia.  The reason for this is that we are all now standing as the body politic of the highest jurisdiction, the Kingdom of David, and this gives us more power, authority, and enforcement capacities than the PanTerra D’Oro Private Society.  We have spoken in the past about the process we have been building for many years towards objectifying PanTerra D’Oro’s jurisdiction.  Once we linked up with the Kingdom of David it became obvious that we would advance that process and perfect it more completely by integrating it all in the design and structure that we have developed (via the Proclamation of Peace process) over the last two years. 

The overall blueprint and design is now emerging into form and manifestation and the task before us is to build it, substantiate it, educate ourselves to know and understand it, and to implement it in real terms.  If we want true Justice in this world then it is up to us not only to intellectualize about an ideal, but to roll up our sleeves and do the hard work to make it real.  The first step in that is education.  The first step in the education is to be precise in language, which means not to blend one thing into another and presume they are the same. 

Another key point that many ask that needs clarification has to do with the spelling of Ecclesiastical and Ekklesia.  Why the difference between the two with the “cc” vs. “kk”?  We use Ekklesia because this is more accurate with respect to the original Greek word from which Ekklesia and Ecclesiastical are derived.  Ekklesia is the etymological root, derived from the Greek, with the original meaning of “Body of the congregation” and “those [in the body] who are set apart.”  The D’Vida Ekklesia have set themselves apart from the Cult of Death and now make up the Body of the People, the unified field of those walking into Life as we do the work to shed the trappings, attachments, and bonds of the realm of death.  Thus it is a more proper and accurate term to use to describe the Court of the Ekklesia, which means the Court of the People, of those set apart from the dead. 

We are now well underway with a planetary bifurcation that is separating the living from the dead.  In the larger context of the entire Court for the Kingdom of David, we choose to use the standard English spelling with the two C’s and overall this makes it easy to distinguish that the Ecclesiastical Court has been decreed by King David as part of the three principle building blocks of the reinstituted Kingdom:

1) The Government

2) The Treasury

3) The Court, and the Court of the Ekklesia

The Court of the Ekklesia is where the Law of the People is established. We are returning the power of the law and the substance of equity to the rightful heirs of the Global Estate, what is called in legal terms the Institution of Heirs. As such heirs, we are the Living Beneficiaries of the ancestral/lineal estate contained within the substance, genetics, and embodiments of our living bodies, clothed with Sovereign Integrity and directed by our Will, Purpose, and Intent to create a new world, the outward expression of our Sovereign Free Will.  

David Joel is the King over the nations according to the foundations of law upon which those nations built themselves over the last five hundred years.  The agenda and intent of building the nation state was to end up with a consolidated system of power through the United Nations and its associated institutions (IMF, World Bank, BIS, NGOs, etc.). It is a bait and switch.  It has been a tool to foment war, economic control, and the rest of it.  The words we are used to using to identify ourselves have a lot of hooks and negative import, such as Nation, National, Native.  They all actually lead back to servitude and slavery. Even the word Family that we use so often, we have now come to realize does the same thing. 

Can we use them anyway and restate our own intent and definitions?  Yes, we can.  But at the same time it is essential to expand our awareness and consciousness to be aware of what we are doing with words, language, and references.  In this respect His Majesty David Joel, King David, is the “King over the Nations”.  At the same time he is a Living Being, a Man. As a Man he, too, has attachments to the franchise and the system as well. In his Declaration of Status he is taking the steps to disconnect and sever those attachments, just as all of us can do. 

As such, he is a Living Being as one of the Ekklesia as well. He holds the Office of Crown Sovereign, while at the same time he is a Man amongst men and women and children, part of the Ekklesia.  So his Declaration of Status is recorded in the archival records of the D’Vida Court of the Ekklesia just like everyone else’s.  The only distinction is that he holds an ancestral linage of royal descent (as recognized in the world system over many thousands of years), so his standing within the Ekklesia is as “a Prince among men and women”, but that is still just a title to maintain his standing with respect to the cognizance of royal standing which is essential to the maintenance of the Kingdom of David jurisdiction. Foundationally he is equal with all as Men and Women with standing on the Land, a Living Being committed to Peace and Life. 

In the larger context we are all Princes and Princesses in Life. We stand as the Ekklesia, the Body Politic, the Living Christos as those who have walked out of the realm of death, having already removed or in the process of removing our attachments to the Cult of Death. We choose to set ourselves apart from those who are choosing another path and have come together as a unified field in Life, standing on the Land, in harmony with the Earth, committed to ourselves and to all of Life to work together to transform this creational field into one that honors and respects all living things, and as such we are all equal together.