The Choice

The Choice Before Us – Life or Death

An Extract from Part 6 | An Overview of the World System of Bondage

There must always be remedy in Law. We live in and have our existence in a Free Will Universe and therefore only by the voluntary consent of the willing participant is any of this possible.

This is why the lofty sounding phrase “Government by the Consent of the Governed” found in the Declaration of Independence sounds so reassuring and yet is the most insidious phrase found in that document. Everything is structured to gain that voluntary consent where silence is acquiescence and the failure to timely and properly object becomes the prima facie evidence to support the ongoing presumption of consent. The remedy is the fact that, through the biological incarnate form we hold as our bodies and genetic ancestral code, we can claim our life and prove standing “in life”. The split in the road now upon us is the literal bifurcation between Life and Death.

The Matrix is a Cult of Death. It is the Realm of Death, the Real Estate or Royal Estate, which is in fact completely hardwired to death. The denial of this what is meant by the phrase “those with eyes to see”, because if one’s eyes are open yet they do not see these facts, one is without eyes that truly see. Nevertheless, it is there for those with “eyes to see” that the path to take is the one leading back to the Land of the Living.

Listen to Part 6 of 21
An Overview of the World System of Bondage and Separation from life.

When our mothers informed us as the original corpus (put us into the form of the body of a trust) by literally accepting the role as “Informant” on the registration form for the Certificate of Live Birth, we were declared a Ward of the State and the presumption prevailed that our estate was abandoned. That’s the lawful ancestral estate that is recognized in global estate and trust law as being capable of being claimed by each and every lineal, generational descendant. Of course we are new born at the time, so we can’t readily stand up and claim the estate, so that is kept in abeyance until we reach majority age. That age is generally considered to be twenty-one, and that number has high esoteric significance as the factor of three times seven (3 x 7 = 21). The numeric three is a key one in the hidden/esoteric system that underlies the entire matrix. It signifies absolute consent upon the passage of three opportunities to object. Thus, at the age of seven, we reach the first stage, at which time we are now considered lost at sea in a ghost ship, a commercial vessel afloat on the sea of commerce.

At age fourteen, having reached the age of puberty and the biological ability to procreate, we activate our genetic code to a secondary level and begin to approach the time when we have the conscious capacity to claim our living estate, our own bodies and procreative capacities and to merge with the creative capacities of the planetary and solar realities in which we exist. At this stage, if we do not claim the estate and nullify the presumption of abandonment, we are now presumed dead and without a will, having died a civil death intestate. At this stage we can enter into a contract with the State to marry a partner, to procreate and produce offspring that continues the cycle. Additionally, we can apply to become a “driver in commerce” and to volunteer to hold the “Office of the Person” as Registered Agent of the corporate franchise. In that status, we receive legal process in the name of the U.S. PERSON, the franchise, the commercial vessel clothed in the character of U.S. citizen, all nicely packaged when we apply for a license to drive motor vehicles. By definition a driver is someone for hire and hence in commerce, which places the driver under the regulatory control of the United States Congress with its delegated power to “control interstate commerce”. This harkens back to the Supreme Court case of the Propeller Genessee Chief vs. Fitzhugh, where (worthy of stating again) the Court held: 

“…it may embrace also the vehicles and persons engaged in carrying it on. It would be in the power of Congress to confer admiralty jurisdiction upon its courts, over the cars engaged in transporting passengers or merchandise from one state to another, and over the persons engaged in conducting them, and deny to the parties the trial by jury.”

Thus, when we apply for and accept the License to Drive as commercial drivers engaging in Interstate Commerce (and subject to the jurisdiction of the Congress of the United States thereby), the federal admiralty jurisdiction can embrace us in the “vehicles and persons engaged in carrying it on”. In the course of the third phase (age fourteen to twenty-one), men are conscripted into the military industrial complex war machine by registering themselves via Selective Service, which is mandatory for male U.S. citizens who have reached the age of eighteen. Both sexes can register to vote under the 1939 Voter Registration Act and subsequent National Voter Registration Acts. The 1939 Act has embedded clauses by which such registration becomes another voluntary act to allow the full pledge and hypothecation of all future production, labor and earning capacities to the State as part of the inviolate perpetual debt as stipulated in the Fourteenth Amendment of 1868. This establishes our willing and voluntary agreement to be the bonded surety to the franchise and have everything created thereby be owned by the United States to use as collateral against the perpetual debt.

By the time we reach our third strike at the age of twenty-one we are “all in”. We have thrice disavowed our true being and incontrovertibly placed ourselves happily in the status of bonded surety to the bankrupt franchise. In the admiralty jurisdiction in which this operates, a bankrupt has no standing. Without standing we can neither state nor stake a claim. If we cannot stake a claim, we have no claim to the land, and without a claim on the land we have no standing in Law. We are thus totally subject to the military management in occupation of the people and territory of the conquered country, and that “subject to” clause means that all codes, statutes, ordinances and so forth of the management State/STATE are applicable to us as the surety to their indebted property. In this way we are lifted off the land into the containment field of the Civil Body, the Civitas, bound and gagged (because we have abandoned our voice, our expressed Will, as we stood mute three times without objection or claim).

Once off the Land we are only afforded civil rights (a misnomer that is in lieu of the truth of the matter, which is civil privileges that can be taken away for any infraction against the public codes). We can then only function under permit, license and codified controls. These are administered by the officers and agents of the bureaucracy, dutifully fulfilling the role of the all-seeing eyeful executors of our lives and bodies. It is our bodies as “landed estates” (when we have landed our true spirits into the physical incarnate form) that are our true estate. Our bodies are the living substance of our eternal life stream embodied in the three dimensions of perceived time and space, but for as long as we do not consciously control our lives and retain the sovereignty of such landed estates, they are potentially forever bereft of our true estate (our true being) which remains beyond our reach. 

But it is beyond our reach only temporarily. Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz we have always had the means to return home. The first step in the journey back home is to be willing to step out of the mass consensus hallucination reality construct and take account of our current situation. The starting point and the key is the legal and monetary systems, because the legal is based on the contractual nexus that we have established to the false hologram matrix system. When we really evaluate, research and understand the system, we come to the inescapable conclusion that 1) We live in a free will universe; 2) In a free will universe one can choose to bind oneself to another being or fictional entity through voluntary contractual agreement; 3) The entire system is designed to elicit and extract our voluntary contractual agreement to be attached to the world system and allow it to extract our Life Force to sustain itself and to entrain our creator capacity into projecting that Life Force into the creation of our own prison; 4) This is achieved through the nature, character, construction and application of the legal and monetary systems, which in themselves are the crafted artifice to create an illusory monetary system that we believe is real and is the only way by which we can create anything of substance and manifestation; 5) This then gets down to the key point that the only way to remove ourselves from this condition is to choose to terminate the voluntary status, by rescinding all signatures attached to physical, electronic or verbal contracts that bind us, revoking all powers of attorney we have given to the system and its actors and terminating all agreements, oaths, vows, contracts, collateral attachments, indentured bondage, and whatever other forms of impairment that we have accepted throughout all time and space as well as here and now in this current legal-monetary-political-religious-social construct.

To be sure, this applies to ALL agreements, because they all bind and limit us. If one is truly content to be restricted, controlled and limited, then by all means do not do this. But if this is not your lot or intention, then this includes religious vows and belief systems, whether traditional or clothed in the incensed and perfumed draperies of the new age, and everything in between. As well it includes political ideology, racial identity, genetic predisposition, cultural predilection, social segmentation and self-imposed biological limitations, the whole lot of it! 

These are the belief systems that entrain the mind into limitation and therefore a dispassionate and rigorous inventory of ourselves must be undertaken, for we must ultimately all face ourselves in brutal self-honesty and take full responsibility for all that we have created and proceed forward on the basis of the Universal Maxim that “There Are No Enemies, Only Opportunities!” Why is this Maxim true or even applicable? Because if we polarize with the externally manifest and visible system as if it and its actors are the enemy, we lose sight of our own capability to respond. We forget the fact of who we actually are as the true creators or our own reality, and by so doing we eschew responsibility for what we have wrought. Without taking full responsibility for all of this we cannot proceed with full self-empowerment to change it. But for most this will not be a path they wish to undertake. Most people prefer to argue for their limitations and remain comfortably ensconced in their gilded cage.


The Choice

The Choice Before Us – Life or Death

An Extract from Part 6 | An Overview of the World System of Bondage

There must always be remedy in Law. We live in and have our existence in a Free Will Universe and therefore only by the voluntary consent of the willing participant is any of this possible.

This is why the lofty sounding phrase “Government by the Consent of the Governed” found in the Declaration of Independence sounds so reassuring and yet is the most insidious phrase found in that document. Everything is structured to gain that voluntary consent where silence is acquiescence and the failure to timely and properly object becomes the prima facie evidence to support the ongoing presumption of consent. The remedy is the fact that, through the biological incarnate form we hold as our bodies and genetic ancestral code, we can claim our life and prove standing “in life”. The split in the road now upon us is the literal bifurcation between Life and Death.

The Matrix is a Cult of Death. It is the Realm of Death, the Real Estate or Royal Estate, which is in fact completely hardwired to death. The denial of this what is meant by the phrase “those with eyes to see”, because if one’s eyes are open yet they do not see these facts, one is without eyes that truly see. Nevertheless, it is there for those with “eyes to see” that the path to take is the one leading back to the Land of the Living.

Listen to Part 6 of 21
An Overview of the World System of Bondage and Separation from life.

When our mothers informed us as the original corpus (put us into the form of the body of a trust) by literally accepting the role as “Informant” on the registration form for the Certificate of Live Birth, we were declared a Ward of the State and the presumption prevailed that our estate was abandoned. That’s the lawful ancestral estate that is recognized in global estate and trust law as being capable of being claimed by each and every lineal, generational descendant. Of course we are new born at the time, so we can’t readily stand up and claim the estate, so that is kept in abeyance until we reach majority age. That age is generally considered to be twenty-one, and that number has high esoteric significance as the factor of three times seven (3 x 7 = 21). The numeric three is a key one in the hidden/esoteric system that underlies the entire matrix. It signifies absolute consent upon the passage of three opportunities to object. Thus, at the age of seven, we reach the first stage, at which time we are now considered lost at sea in a ghost ship, a commercial vessel afloat on the sea of commerce.

At age fourteen, having reached the age of puberty and the biological ability to procreate, we activate our genetic code to a secondary level and begin to approach the time when we have the conscious capacity to claim our living estate, our own bodies and procreative capacities and to merge with the creative capacities of the planetary and solar realities in which we exist. At this stage, if we do not claim the estate and nullify the presumption of abandonment, we are now presumed dead and without a will, having died a civil death intestate. At this stage we can enter into a contract with the State to marry a partner, to procreate and produce offspring that continues the cycle. Additionally, we can apply to become a “driver in commerce” and to volunteer to hold the “Office of the Person” as Registered Agent of the corporate franchise. In that status, we receive legal process in the name of the U.S. PERSON, the franchise, the commercial vessel clothed in the character of U.S. citizen, all nicely packaged when we apply for a license to drive motor vehicles. By definition a driver is someone for hire and hence in commerce, which places the driver under the regulatory control of the United States Congress with its delegated power to “control interstate commerce”. This harkens back to the Supreme Court case of the Propeller Genessee Chief vs. Fitzhugh, where (worthy of stating again) the Court held: 

“…it may embrace also the vehicles and persons engaged in carrying it on. It would be in the power of Congress to confer admiralty jurisdiction upon its courts, over the cars engaged in transporting passengers or merchandise from one state to another, and over the persons engaged in conducting them, and deny to the parties the trial by jury.”

Thus, when we apply for and accept the License to Drive as commercial drivers engaging in Interstate Commerce (and subject to the jurisdiction of the Congress of the United States thereby), the federal admiralty jurisdiction can embrace us in the “vehicles and persons engaged in carrying it on”. In the course of the third phase (age fourteen to twenty-one), men are conscripted into the military industrial complex war machine by registering themselves via Selective Service, which is mandatory for male U.S. citizens who have reached the age of eighteen. Both sexes can register to vote under the 1939 Voter Registration Act and subsequent National Voter Registration Acts. The 1939 Act has embedded clauses by which such registration becomes another voluntary act to allow the full pledge and hypothecation of all future production, labor and earning capacities to the State as part of the inviolate perpetual debt as stipulated in the Fourteenth Amendment of 1868. This establishes our willing and voluntary agreement to be the bonded surety to the franchise and have everything created thereby be owned by the United States to use as collateral against the perpetual debt.

By the time we reach our third strike at the age of twenty-one we are “all in”. We have thrice disavowed our true being and incontrovertibly placed ourselves happily in the status of bonded surety to the bankrupt franchise. In the admiralty jurisdiction in which this operates, a bankrupt has no standing. Without standing we can neither state nor stake a claim. If we cannot stake a claim, we have no claim to the land, and without a claim on the land we have no standing in Law. We are thus totally subject to the military management in occupation of the people and territory of the conquered country, and that “subject to” clause means that all codes, statutes, ordinances and so forth of the management State/STATE are applicable to us as the surety to their indebted property. In this way we are lifted off the land into the containment field of the Civil Body, the Civitas, bound and gagged (because we have abandoned our voice, our expressed Will, as we stood mute three times without objection or claim).

Once off the Land we are only afforded civil rights (a misnomer that is in lieu of the truth of the matter, which is civil privileges that can be taken away for any infraction against the public codes). We can then only function under permit, license and codified controls. These are administered by the officers and agents of the bureaucracy, dutifully fulfilling the role of the all-seeing eyeful executors of our lives and bodies. It is our bodies as “landed estates” (when we have landed our true spirits into the physical incarnate form) that are our true estate. Our bodies are the living substance of our eternal life stream embodied in the three dimensions of perceived time and space, but for as long as we do not consciously control our lives and retain the sovereignty of such landed estates, they are potentially forever bereft of our true estate (our true being) which remains beyond our reach. 

But it is beyond our reach only temporarily. Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz we have always had the means to return home. The first step in the journey back home is to be willing to step out of the mass consensus hallucination reality construct and take account of our current situation. The starting point and the key is the legal and monetary systems, because the legal is based on the contractual nexus that we have established to the false hologram matrix system. When we really evaluate, research and understand the system, we come to the inescapable conclusion that 1) We live in a free will universe; 2) In a free will universe one can choose to bind oneself to another being or fictional entity through voluntary contractual agreement; 3) The entire system is designed to elicit and extract our voluntary contractual agreement to be attached to the world system and allow it to extract our Life Force to sustain itself and to entrain our creator capacity into projecting that Life Force into the creation of our own prison; 4) This is achieved through the nature, character, construction and application of the legal and monetary systems, which in themselves are the crafted artifice to create an illusory monetary system that we believe is real and is the only way by which we can create anything of substance and manifestation; 5) This then gets down to the key point that the only way to remove ourselves from this condition is to choose to terminate the voluntary status, by rescinding all signatures attached to physical, electronic or verbal contracts that bind us, revoking all powers of attorney we have given to the system and its actors and terminating all agreements, oaths, vows, contracts, collateral attachments, indentured bondage, and whatever other forms of impairment that we have accepted throughout all time and space as well as here and now in this current legal-monetary-political-religious-social construct.

To be sure, this applies to ALL agreements, because they all bind and limit us. If one is truly content to be restricted, controlled and limited, then by all means do not do this. But if this is not your lot or intention, then this includes religious vows and belief systems, whether traditional or clothed in the incensed and perfumed draperies of the new age, and everything in between. As well it includes political ideology, racial identity, genetic predisposition, cultural predilection, social segmentation and self-imposed biological limitations, the whole lot of it! 

These are the belief systems that entrain the mind into limitation and therefore a dispassionate and rigorous inventory of ourselves must be undertaken, for we must ultimately all face ourselves in brutal self-honesty and take full responsibility for all that we have created and proceed forward on the basis of the Universal Maxim that “There Are No Enemies, Only Opportunities!” Why is this Maxim true or even applicable? Because if we polarize with the externally manifest and visible system as if it and its actors are the enemy, we lose sight of our own capability to respond. We forget the fact of who we actually are as the true creators or our own reality, and by so doing we eschew responsibility for what we have wrought. Without taking full responsibility for all of this we cannot proceed with full self-empowerment to change it. But for most this will not be a path they wish to undertake. Most people prefer to argue for their limitations and remain comfortably ensconced in their gilded cage.

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