The Nature of Bondage

On the record of live birth, the functions of the mother constitute a registration in which she is characterized as the “informant”, which literally means she is putting her newborn into “form”.

An Extract from Part 1 | The Overview of the World System of Bondage.

As the newborn grows into adulthood, he or she will thenceforth have to place data into the myriad of forms in the public domain to get anything and everything desired and required for life. The trust created splits the title and attaches the baby to the trust as an indentured servant, with the hypothecation of all future labor, value and wealth against the future performance of the indentured servant. This creates a public person and all actions we take in the public are structured so as to maintain the public persona as a “debtor facility”. Every instance of creating a document with the name of the person on it become negotiable instruments, and all such negotiable instruments issued in the NAME of the PERSON are done as monetized debt (the reason we capitalize those two words is very specific and will be discussed further on).

Our future value is monetized via the public persona, known in legalese (and defined in Title 26 of the United States Code) as a PERSON, in the name of which all public commercial paper and negotiable instruments are created, monetized as debt and then circulated in the public as currency. Once the original PERSON is created, every instance of the issuance of any documentary draft (medical certificates for every instance of any medical act performed, utility bills, tax bills, court orders, traffic citations, rent agreements, mortgages ad infinitum) are considered publically circulating commercial paper that perform as currency as they flow through the system like the current of a river or stream through its banks. They are also considered and acted upon as bonds, and a bond is evidence of both a debt and a private trust relationship. 

Part 1 of 21
An Overview of the World System of Bondage and Separation from life.

That “persona” is the all capital letter name United States PERSON (or the equivalent in other national corporations), created as a franchise of the bankrupt UNITED STATES. The UNITED STATES is a corporation that was formed as a government services entity after the Civil War between 1866 and 1878. A government services corporation is not a lawful government, it is a municipal corporation that functions in commerce, not law (see Clearfield Doctrine). The entity incorporated and named United States and later UNITED STATES was the municipal area of Georgetown and the District of Colombia. It was placed into bankruptcy on March 9, 1933 (see discussion below for Proclamations 2039 and 2040) and was thereafter and to date controlled as a foreign military occupying force under international rules of bankruptcy, admiralty law, conquest, treaties and global monetary policies.

The occupied country was the original organic “The United States of America” established as a “perpetual Union” by the Articles of Confederation (also discussed below). This is, of course, a complex structure beyond the scope of this paper to fully describe, but a synopsis understanding is imperative if we wish to understand our world system today and how we are in bondage to it as perpetual debt slaves. Equally important with this understanding is how do we effectively remove ourselves from this status of “Bonded Surety to a Bankrupt Franchise”. To understand all of this we must proceed with clear definitions of the words and phrases we are using such as debtor facility, franchise, bonded surety, commercial paper, negotiable instruments, Uniform Commercial Code, monetized debt and others, all of which shall be defined and discussed herein below. 

Additionally, knowing how some of the complete distortions pertaining to the founding of the country variously known as The United States of America, United States of America, United States and other variants are equally necessary. Suffice to say, they are not the same thing, as will be discussed. All in all, the understanding of definitions, legal terms, root etymology of words and other methodologies of “bait and switch” tactics done over the centuries to achieve confusion, obfuscation and cognitive dissonance are essential for us to understand the nature of our condition in this reality and how to find the pathway to freedom and release from bondage. This document will provide the framework and details of how one can then undertake the research, knowledge development and practical means to a true solution to achieve such freedom.


The Nature of Bondage

On the record of live birth, the functions of the mother constitute a registration in which she is characterized as the “informant”, which literally means she is putting her newborn into “form”.

An Extract from Part 1 | The Overview of the World System of Bondage.

As the newborn grows into adulthood, he or she will thenceforth have to place data into the myriad of forms in the public domain to get anything and everything desired and required for life. The trust created splits the title and attaches the baby to the trust as an indentured servant, with the hypothecation of all future labor, value and wealth against the future performance of the indentured servant. This creates a public person and all actions we take in the public are structured so as to maintain the public persona as a “debtor facility”. Every instance of creating a document with the name of the person on it become negotiable instruments, and all such negotiable instruments issued in the NAME of the PERSON are done as monetized debt (the reason we capitalize those two words is very specific and will be discussed further on).

Our future value is monetized via the public persona, known in legalese (and defined in Title 26 of the United States Code) as a PERSON, in the name of which all public commercial paper and negotiable instruments are created, monetized as debt and then circulated in the public as currency. Once the original PERSON is created, every instance of the issuance of any documentary draft (medical certificates for every instance of any medical act performed, utility bills, tax bills, court orders, traffic citations, rent agreements, mortgages ad infinitum) are considered publically circulating commercial paper that perform as currency as they flow through the system like the current of a river or stream through its banks. They are also considered and acted upon as bonds, and a bond is evidence of both a debt and a private trust relationship. 

Part 1 of 21
An Overview of the World System of Bondage and Separation from life.

That “persona” is the all capital letter name United States PERSON (or the equivalent in other national corporations), created as a franchise of the bankrupt UNITED STATES. The UNITED STATES is a corporation that was formed as a government services entity after the Civil War between 1866 and 1878. A government services corporation is not a lawful government, it is a municipal corporation that functions in commerce, not law (see Clearfield Doctrine). The entity incorporated and named United States and later UNITED STATES was the municipal area of Georgetown and the District of Colombia. It was placed into bankruptcy on March 9, 1933 (see discussion below for Proclamations 2039 and 2040) and was thereafter and to date controlled as a foreign military occupying force under international rules of bankruptcy, admiralty law, conquest, treaties and global monetary policies.

The occupied country was the original organic “The United States of America” established as a “perpetual Union” by the Articles of Confederation (also discussed below). This is, of course, a complex structure beyond the scope of this paper to fully describe, but a synopsis understanding is imperative if we wish to understand our world system today and how we are in bondage to it as perpetual debt slaves. Equally important with this understanding is how do we effectively remove ourselves from this status of “Bonded Surety to a Bankrupt Franchise”. To understand all of this we must proceed with clear definitions of the words and phrases we are using such as debtor facility, franchise, bonded surety, commercial paper, negotiable instruments, Uniform Commercial Code, monetized debt and others, all of which shall be defined and discussed herein below. 

Additionally, knowing how some of the complete distortions pertaining to the founding of the country variously known as The United States of America, United States of America, United States and other variants are equally necessary. Suffice to say, they are not the same thing, as will be discussed. All in all, the understanding of definitions, legal terms, root etymology of words and other methodologies of “bait and switch” tactics done over the centuries to achieve confusion, obfuscation and cognitive dissonance are essential for us to understand the nature of our condition in this reality and how to find the pathway to freedom and release from bondage. This document will provide the framework and details of how one can then undertake the research, knowledge development and practical means to a true solution to achieve such freedom.

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