Author name: admin

The Two Estates

An Extract from Part 3 | An Overview of the World System of Bondage The original estates held by the aristocracy were perpetual in nature. They were grounded in the land and the peerage of titles passed from one generation to the next. Original titles in land were the actual titles given to the aristocracy. The estate was held in the name of the Living Beneficiary, the Title Holder, known as the Cestui Que Vie. This is the true definition of the word “entitlement” as the Living Beneficiary held the title and was thus entitled to the full value and beneficial interests of the estate and the title of the land was vested in the actual title of the peerage, i.e., Duke, Baron, Count, Earl, etc. Thus, the estate was known as a Duchy, Barony, County, Earldom, etc. Such entitled “lords” were the actual Landlords of the Realm and were the only parties holding any rights or beneficial interests in the estates as well as the enumerated rights of the Magna Carta (including the right to be tried by a Jury of Peers, as only those of the Peerage can sit in such a jury). Notice how in the current system all of this has been corporatized, where Counties are corporations that belong to a national corporate association in Washington D.C. Within the civil containment system the civil privileges vested into franchises and the men, women and children attached thereto as the sureties receive entitlements as mere privileges and benefits in many forms, all of which are attached to the Realm of the Dead that is lifted off the land into the system of corporatized fictions. These sorts of entitlements are really ghostly apparitions compared to the original entitlement structure of true land hold and title.  Part 3 of 21An Overview of the World System of Bondage and Separation from life. By definition, a Cestui Que Vie is the “life by which the duration of the estate is measured”. Thus, whoever is the Living Beneficiary measures the duration of said estate from the beginning of inheritance of Title up to the end his life. When one Cestui Que Vie dies, the next Living Beneficiary automatically becomes the new Cestui Que Vie. In this way, the ancestral lineage of bloodlines became hard wired to the land. Such lineal descent became synonymous with key points such as land hold, rights in Law, entitlement, status as a living beneficiary and the concept of perpetual offices (Houses and Titles). The title was attached to the Manor (House) and vested as a Hereditary Title conveyed by the Sovereign into the Office of the Lord and this then established the office of Lord of the Manor. The reciprocal “handshake” of acceptance of the Office and Title was an Oath of Fealty, and being as an Oath is a bond that establishes jurisdiction, this then completed the circle of land, title, peerage and jurisdiction. Overall, this established the hierarchy of purported ownership of all land in the world vested in a singular Sovereign as the Crown Corporation.

The Implementation of Full Containment

An Extract from Part 2 | An Overview of the World System of Bondage In the past thirty years there have been many people in pursuit of solutions out of this mess. In the mid to late 1990s and into the 2000s and 2010s a set of so-called “solutions” emerged that seemed to have all the answers within the commercial arena. These were known by various names such as Acceptance for Value, Administrative Processes, Perfection of Commercial Liens, Notarial Protests and Secured Party Creditor. They were all based on the principles and understanding of the UCC system in the presumption that that was the ultimate field in which remedy would be achieved. In many instances, the appearance of remedy was achieved and many went out on the circuit to teach and promote their knowledge and experience. Many thousands followed those leads and unfortunately many of those ended up paying significant prices in terms of time, money and freedom as one by one each alleged remedy became another quicksand pit of consequences. Even today the internet is rife with web sites promoting many so-called solutions even though most of the originators of such ended up in prison. What they all failed to comprehend was the fatal flaws hidden within the fabric of commercial processes. These fatal flaws had to do with the deeper layers of the system having to do with bankruptcy, admiralty, civil procedures, commercial construction, debtor-creditor relations, international treaties, definitions of enemy and belligerent status, and the true nature of commerce as defined herein. In short, it all gets down to three important words: Status, Standing and Capacity, which we will thoroughly explore and define in this document Part 2 of 21An Overview of the World System of Bondage and Separation from life. We have discussed the normal status that almost all beings hold at this time, that of bonded surety to a bankrupt franchise. The United States system is the lynch pin and is mostly the focus of this paper, but the same is true with variations in every nation of the world. All are in fact corporations (channeled through the U.S. securities system), all are bankrupt, all have central banks of issue that issue monetized debt that bonds the people as sureties and perpetual debt service slaves. The word “status” is derived from the same etymological roots as the words state, estate, statute and static. Each one of us is considered a “state in fact”, in static/fixed form (like a statue frozen in time), with property titles attached thereto as an estate. All property and land in this world is held in and as estates. We will return to this key and central point later in our discussion. For now, just understand that we all have a “status” that defines the elements of the estate associated thereto, and in most cases our status is that of a bonded surety to a bankrupt franchise. In that status, the estate is known as a “decedent”, which is literally defined as “one who is dying”. If one looks in a modern dictionary, a decedent is generally regarded as one who has died – but the original definition remains as one who is dying, thus it is always important to not simply accept how a term is generally used or defined. The original and literal definition has not been removed, only overlaid, and is still operative, especially when used in a legal context. Standing has to do with inherent capacity when it comes to Law, or the lack thereof. As a bankrupt, we are considered to lack standing to state a claim. This is evidenced by the continuous use of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 12B(6) by the courts to dismiss many cases on the simple grounds, per said rule, that the case is dismissed “for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted”. This is also reflected in State rules of procedure. Additionally, there is a parallel set titled Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that makes it appear that there is a difference, but when we dig deeper we find that in fact it is all a matter of “commercial” transgressions. We also do not have any access to true common law with that status, and therefore cannot bring a Court of Record pursuant to the common law with the status of a bankrupt.  All rights, property and titles are based on the inherent right to state a claim, so as a bankrupt we have forfeited that right and thus have no standing in Law nor the capacity to claim the hidden equitable rights, values and interests attached to the underlying ancestral/lineal estate. Such rights are held by the beneficiary and heir to the estate. However, in our current status as a bonded surety we are considered to have abandoned our true estate (see detail of the two estates in Part Three). When there is substance in the standing of the heir, he (or she, although traditional right of inheritance was only attributable to the male, but since we are forging new ground entirely, we decree that all beings, male and female, have such equal rights), is considered a Living Beneficiary (as they are not civilly dead). But the lack of standing due to being the bonded surety to a bankrupt franchise places us as civilly dead in the system and thus we can only have limited beneficial use of property that effectively belongs to another who holds superior title. Without standing one cannot claim rights, stand on the land or have access to Law or Equity in the truest sense of those terms. With impaired (bankrupt) status and lack of standing we therefore have no Capacity. Capacity is the inherent power to assert authority and control over property, land, law, rights and essentially the substance of life. Our current status as bonded sureties without standing leaves us bereft of any real capacity, any real freedom or any control over our lives.

The Nature of Bondage

On the record of live birth, the functions of the mother constitute a registration in which she is characterized as the “informant”, which literally means she is putting her newborn into “form”.

The Power of Acceptance

The Way You Do Equity Is You Accept Everything From Any Public Actor, Officer, Or Agent. The one power inherent in every commercial presentment is our unlimited Power to Accept. If you accept it, you don’t go into controversy. But you don’t “accept it for value”. That’s a commercial aberration. This is why the D’Vida documents, the Mandate and Writs, and instructions are created the way they are. Here is a point-by-point explanation of how it works: If somebody comes to your door and says, “I’m here from the Health Department. You are required to take this injection . . . ”, You say: “Great! I’m happy you are here.” With this attitude, you are not going into controversy and it defuses the entire situation. You don’t argue. (Everybody thinks they need to argue and that’s where one enters a field of battle. The system is set up so that we lose every time in a field of battle because we go into dishonor, we dishonor the presentment. If you look at the rules of the UCC, you can only do 2 things: You can honor a presentment or you can dishonor it). You don’t reject, you simply give them a condition, a precedent to your accepting the mandatory requirement. What we tell people on the website and in the instructions is if someone comes to your door and says “it’s mandatory, you have to do it”, you say: “Oh thank you for showing up. I appreciate it but I do not do any commercial business in person, only via the mail. I require your written authority with your wet ink signature and your supervisor’s wet ink signature sent to me in the mail.” If they say it is not a commercial business, you say “I am not here to argue the law with you. Are you qualified to make legal decisions here?” Of course they are not and will have to say so. When it’s sent in the mail it’s under Federal jurisdiction. In the United States, if it’s a fraudulent instrument, the United States will deal with it on their own terms as mail fraud. In other countries it would be good to research to find similar basis for federal jurisdiction over anything that is sent through the mail. Everything we do in the private aligns or conforms with the phrase “Let the Dead tend to the Dead.” Any item they send to you is a public document and a commercial instrument. It is from the realm of the dead. When we accept it and return it, we are sending their dead instrument back to them to settle. So we let the Dead tend to the Dead, we let them settle their controversies, let them settle their claims, liabilities and so forth. We stay in the private. We honor what they give us and we say to them, “We simply require it to come in a written form with your wet ink signature and that of your supervisor verifying your full legal and lawful authority to do what you say is mandatory.” You don’t threaten. You only give honor and that requires them to return honor. That is what is meant by “Going To Peace.” The power of going to peace is manifold beyond anything in the field of battle. They have to go back, put their wet ink signature on a written statement, and by so doing they’ve already put their liability on there – you don’t have to notice them of it. Sending Notices of Liability in any form is actually considered a threat and puts one in the position of being seen as a belligerent and enemy combatant. Doing what we do keeps us at peace in the public and neutral with all parties, thus not giving any manner of way to attack us. If somebody comes to your door and you say, “Great, send me this, signed by you and your supervisor, please send it to this address, and the address is: Kingdom of David, Attention John Henry Doe, c/o 1234 Main Street, Sometown, Anystate… They’re sending it to the Kingdom of David. You’re acting under the umbrella and sanctuary of the Kingdom of David. What you do is you accept it, follow the instructions in your D’Vida Welcome Pack. Write in the upper right corner of the document “ACCEPTED” (with quotation marks), the date and your signature. You have actually accepted the embedded equity that underwrites the issue of that charged instrument that creates a debt. Even if you don’t think a mandate order to do something medically is neither commercial nor creates a debt, they do in fact do exactly that. When they do the injections they actually create a bond or multiple bonds, underwritten by your underlying estate, and they make a lot of money on the trading of these bonds. So, when they say that is entirely not true. They are bonding us to further debt much more than the simple cost of the stuff shot into your arm. When they have this mandate, they’re creating a charged instrument with the franchise name that compels you as the surety to step up under public policy and perform the mandatory requirement AKA, take the jab. It is a charge just like any other charge. It has a monetary value. When you perform the duty, it becomes a discharge, which settles it. But the bonds underneath remain, and they are traded and generate a lot more than the charge on the surface. There is equity there because the estate that underlies the franchise is providing the secured value and the collateralization of that debt instrument. When you do full status correction, you have complete command and control of all of that. But it takes a serious commitment to fully correct one’s status. What we are starting with our D’Vida members is that you can still have the power of acceptance even if you don’t have any status correction under your belt,

Mandate of Non-Consent

To protect ourselves and our family members, we must formally and properly issue our statement of non-consent. Until we formally take these steps it is presumed that we have consented to how we are currently being governed.