Every Living Being is a unique Gem of unparalleled magnificence and unique gifts that must be watered and nourished in the Garden of Life.
We herewith declare that we step forth boldly with absolute resolve to see the nourishment be delivered and the waters flow that will bring All Such Gifts As These back to Life. We invite all who have these ideals firmly planted in their hearts to read our words and share our declarations and to make them one’s own, knowing that we have the power to re-create our world, and knowing it starts with a firm Declaration of Intention and a Declaration for Peace and Sovereign Integrity that affirms the template that all Living Beings are endowed with Sovereign Free Will and Sovereign Integrity that is like the roof of our House of Peace that protects all of Life from the winds and rains and transient tempests on our path to peace and freedom.
Peace and Freedom are our true inheritance and intrinsic value that surpasses the illusions with which we have wrestled all of our lives, and to receive that inheritance requires fortitude and the will to learn what is required to achieve and make real such ideals. Herein we offer the path to access that learning, to turn learning into knowledge, to transform knowledge into wisdom, and to plant the seeds of peace in the fertile soil of that wisdom so that it shall grow and mature and bear the fruits that all can share in a world wherein all are free to live creative lives and sleep safely within their own homes knowing that we are finally living in peace.


Every Living Being is a unique Gem of unparalleled magnificence and unique gifts that must be watered and nourished in the Garden of Life.
We herewith declare that we step forth boldly with absolute resolve to see the nourishment be delivered and the waters flow that will bring All Such Gifts As These back to Life. We invite all who have these ideals firmly planted in their hearts to read our words and share our declarations and to make them one’s own, knowing that we have the power to re-create our world, and knowing it starts with a firm Declaration of Intention and a Declaration for Peace and Sovereign Integrity that affirms the template that all Living Beings are endowed with Sovereign Free Will and Sovereign Integrity that is like the roof of our House of Peace that protects all of Life from the winds and rains and transient tempests on our path to peace and freedom.

Peace and Freedom are our true inheritance and intrinsic value that surpasses the illusions with which we have wrestled all of our lives, and to receive that inheritance requires fortitude and the will to learn what is required to achieve and make real such ideals. Herein we offer the path to access that learning, to turn learning into knowledge, to transform knowledge into wisdom, and to plant the seeds of peace in the fertile soil of that wisdom so that it shall grow and mature and bear the fruits that all can share in a world wherein all are free to live creative lives and sleep safely within their own homes knowing that we are finally living in peace.

To all Life on Earth and all inhabitants thereof, to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain.
This is a Declaration to all of existence that comes from the Hearts and Souls of the People, the Living Beings as embodied souls in corporeal form (Corporeal Souls), of the hominid races known variously as Mankind, Humanity, and Human Race.

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To all Life on Earth and all inhabitants thereof, to all levels of existence throughout the Cosmos, to the local and galactic realms and beyond, to all to whom these Presents do, shall, or will pertain.

We who have come together to begin the building of this grand adventure have found that there is true fulfillment in living a life dedicated to Peace and working to transform our world from one that is burdened with darkness to one that is expressing the joy of Life for all Living Beings.
This Declaration is dedicated to every Living Being in this world with the intention that every one of us shall have a Life of Integrity, Honor, and Respect – a life of Dignity, Fulfillment, and Creativity. Only when all lives are secured with the preservation and protection of all rights for a life of fulfillment, prosperity, and abundance, in real terms, not in false ideologies and empty promises, shall Peace be our True Right of Inheritance. We have come together on the foundation of these principles, to work tirelessly and resolutely, to see this done in our lifetimes – for Ourselves, for our Sons and Daughters, for all Living Beings, and all living things. For this do we stand, and to this do we Declare!
We who have come together to begin the building of this grand adventure have found that there is true fulfillment in living a life dedicated to Peace and working to transform our world from one that is burdened with darkness to one that is expressing the joy of Life for all Living Beings.
This Declaration is dedicated to every Living Being in this world with the intention that every one of us shall have a Life of Integrity, Honor, and Respect – a life of Dignity, Fulfillment, and Creativity. Only when all lives are secured with the preservation and protection of all rights for a life of fulfillment, prosperity, and abundance, in real terms, not in false ideologies and empty promises, shall Peace be our True Right of Inheritance. We have come together on the foundation of these principles, to work tirelessly and resolutely, to see this done in our lifetimes – for Ourselves, for our Sons and Daughters, for all Living Beings, and all living things. For this do we stand, and to this do we Declare!

The richness of this path is in the true measure of our success, which shall be the witnessing of many lives being transformed, of communities being healed, and of nations leaving behind the tragedies of war and remembering the fulfillment of Peace. We are committed to seeing this done in our lifetimes and invite all who see this as well to join our community and commit to the task at hand.