We are GEMSTONE – Global Educational Media, Standing Together (as) Our Noble Expression, a Living University pursuing knowledge and wisdom, standing together as a unified field, honoring each as a living universe whole unto themselves.
We honor each other and the unique expression of every Being, uplifting the Noble Expression that we each bring to this world to weave a tapestry of Life that enwraps us in its embrace. Above all else, education through free and open media is the platform we intend to build to provide discourse and intercourse throughout all the lands and in every village and community and in every home. We hold in the highest regard our communion with the unified and collective spirit that indwells within each of us, all holding their own individual and personal relationships with Source and Life as a pure crystalline glass that holds the waters and the purity of Life, that displays the indwelling presence of the Living and Eternal being therein, like a blossom tasting the morning dew of every dawning day, as if it were the first day of Life in a life never ending.
To find out more about becoming a member of our Society go to our Be A Member page.
We are GEMSTONE – Global Educational Media, Standing Together (as) Our Noble Expression, a Living University pursuing knowledge and wisdom, standing together as a unified field, honoring each as a living universe whole unto themselves.
We honor each other and the unique expression of every Being, uplifting the Noble Expression that we each bring to this world to weave a tapestry of Life that enwraps us in its embrace. Above all else, education through free and open media is the platform we intend to build to provide discourse and intercourse throughout all the lands and in every village and community and in every home. We hold in the highest regard our communion with the unified and collective spirit that indwells within each of us, all holding their own individual and personal relationships with Source and Life as a pure crystalline glass that holds the waters and the purity of Life, that displays the indwelling presence of the Living and Eternal being therein, like a blossom tasting the morning dew of every dawning day, as if it were the first day of Life in a life never ending.
To find out more about becoming a member of our Society go to our Be A Member page.
We have been developing the GEMSTONE University (“GU”) for many years. Its first formal baby steps were taken in April 2013, but in reality, the work to create GU was begun in the early 1990s when our first foray into the study of Law and Money began. It has never stopped since that time and the most important thing learned along the way was that one must have a multi-disciplinary approach to learning and education in order to learn any given single subject. But most especially, the subjects of law and money require the study of many subjects and the development of one’s ability to see interconnecting parts as they build the larger whole.
This is our approach to education and the development of a fully integrated capacity to be one’s own master with respect to directing one’s life in a private and unfettered manner. We refer to this as Freedom Absolute, which is much more than having the legal and monetary attachments removed from one’s being. It includes having walked the process of internal healing as we do the inner work necessary to resolve our karmic entanglements, our legal adhesions, and our internal traumas. It also requires an objective awareness of both history and world events as it relates to the extremely complex processes unfolding in the world at this time

The building and development of GU is an ongoing and never-ending process. We intend to build it into the most comprehensive and dynamically integrated system for education and personal development available. Such a goal requires many years of continuous development. This will include major categories of every subject, to be developed on principles of classical education and advanced learning systems. We will soon be launching the build-out of a new website for GU to move this process forward in new and exciting ways. We wish to attract the participation of many people with a full range of skills, expertise, and disciplines to help build GU and make it a manifested reality. All GEM members will be on our email list and will receive continuous reports and updates of our process and achievements, as well as to inform our members when and how one can participate in building this project.

We have been developing the GEMSTONE University (“GU”) for many years. Its first formal baby steps were taken in April 2013, but in reality, the work to create GU was begun in the early 1990s when our first foray into the study of Law and Money began. It has never stopped since that time and the most important thing learned along the way was that one must have a multi-disciplinary approach to learning and education in order to learn any given single subject. But most especially, the subjects of law and money require the study of many subjects and the development of one’s ability to see interconnecting parts as they build the larger whole.
This is our approach to education and the development of a fully integrated capacity to be one’s own master with respect to directing one’s life in a private and unfettered manner. We refer to this as Freedom Absolute, which is much more than having the legal and monetary attachments removed from one’s being. It includes having walked the process of internal healing as we do the inner work necessary to resolve our karmic entanglements, our legal adhesions, and our internal traumas. It also requires an objective awareness of both history and world events as it relates to the extremely complex processes unfolding in the world at this time

The building and development of GU is an ongoing and never-ending process. We intend to build it into the most comprehensive and dynamically integrated system for education and personal development available. Such a goal requires many years of continuous development. This will include major categories of every subject, to be developed on principles of classical education and advanced learning systems. We will soon be launching the build-out of a new website for GU to move this process forward in new and exciting ways. We wish to attract the participation of many people with a full range of skills, expertise, and disciplines to help build GU and make it a manifested reality. All GEM members will be on our email list and will receive continuous reports and updates of our process and achievements, as well as to inform our members when and how one can participate in building this project.

The GEMSTONE University is the educational forum of the PanTerraVida Private Society and Private Contract Association (“PCA”). It is designed to provide the most comprehensive and integrated approach to seeing through the veils of illusion that wrap our world and reality. Our purpose and intent is to provide an environment for learning that is supportive for living men, women, and young beings to achieve insight and understanding, as well as guidance and support for education, knowledge development and applications for achieving freedom and liberty in an increasingly restricted and subjugated world. As a Mutual Benefit Society, PanTerraVida and GEMSTONE University provide our members the tools and resources to assist themselves and each other to gain the knowledge and resources to achieve their personal goals and to be a force of transformation in this world.
There are many types of freedom: financial, spiritual, biological, social, political and others. Our goal is to assist our members to achieve an optimum level of freedom in all of these areas, to achieve peace in our world, for ourselves, our families and our communities and to support the collective of humanity to do the same. Our guiding principle in this context is to Hold As Sacred All Life and to Honor the Life Force in All Beings, and to do that which is always Best for Life. This requires a comprehensive and integrated approach, which we have built based on decades of study and research and fifteen years of development.
As we build member services and the university we will assist each other and our world in achieving such goals, established and built on the principle of mutual benefit for the membership and the world as a whole. Fundamental to this intention is education and the integration of the understanding that comes with knowledge development. We are guided by the principle that knowledge and information are meaningless and only contribute to the dimensions of the mind as abstractions from the real world. It is only applied knowledge and understanding as integrated with our true authentic selves that has practical results in the real world. We invite and embrace all paths and faiths, and do not purport any belief system or isolate ourselves as separate from all people. Our intention is unity within diversity, equity and equilibrium rather than hierarchy and control.
We all hold within ourselves the essence of life in a dynamic equilibrium with all beings and all life. It is only when we apply our knowledge, understanding, resources and capacities to support what is best for life that we achieve the status of true living beings. We use the phrase “living” purposefully, because the world system has been created on the foundation of a Cult of Death. This is reflected in our language, our legal and monetary system, and every element of the socio-economic-political reality that we are indoctrinated into from birth. The world of corporations that controls all life on Earth at this time is a world of fiction and illusion, it is the world of the walking dead. Thus, our educational philosophy and content is purposefully directed to break down that programming and to restructure ourselves as true living beings, supported by other living beings, learning together in living universities that expand the manifested expression of our true, authentic and noble selves.
Along with our educational intentions, we are building the GEMSTONE Earth Media Alliance to be the integrative foundation of a new voice of Life and the People in this world. It is an integral part of the model being developed herein so that our achievements can be conveyed and shared with the larger world-wide community. We welcome all who share these intentions to join us to build the GEMSTONE University and GEMSTONE Earth Media Alliance together. We are here to enliven ourselves and our expression, in mutual benefit and supported by inspiring each other to reach beyond our limitations and to utilize such expanded capacities in all aspects of our lives to the benefit of the greater good for all. Come join us in our journey together if you share an affinity with Our Noble Expression!

The GEMSTONE University is the educational forum of the PanTerraVida Private Society and Private Contract Association (“PCA”). It is designed to provide the most comprehensive and integrated approach to seeing through the veils of illusion that wrap our world and reality. Our purpose and intent is to provide an environment for learning that is supportive for living men, women, and young beings to achieve insight and understanding, as well as guidance and support for education, knowledge development and applications for achieving freedom and liberty in an increasingly restricted and subjugated world. As a Mutual Benefit Society, PanTerraVida and GEMSTONE University provide our members the tools and resources to assist themselves and each other to gain the knowledge and resources to achieve their personal goals and to be a force of transformation in this world.
There are many types of freedom: financial, spiritual, biological, social, political and others. Our goal is to assist our members to achieve an optimum level of freedom in all of these areas, to achieve peace in our world, for ourselves, our families and our communities and to support the collective of humanity to do the same. Our guiding principle in this context is to Hold As Sacred All Life and to Honor the Life Force in All Beings, and to do that which is always Best for Life. This requires a comprehensive and integrated approach, which we have built based on decades of study and research and fifteen years of development.
As we build member services and the university we will assist each other and our world in achieving such goals, established and built on the principle of mutual benefit for the membership and the world as a whole. Fundamental to this intention is education and the integration of the understanding that comes with knowledge development. We are guided by the principle that knowledge and information are meaningless and only contribute to the dimensions of the mind as abstractions from the real world. It is only applied knowledge and understanding as integrated with our true authentic selves that has practical results in the real world. We invite and embrace all paths and faiths, and do not purport any belief system or isolate ourselves as separate from all people. Our intention is unity within diversity, equity and equilibrium rather than hierarchy and control.
We all hold within ourselves the essence of life in a dynamic equilibrium with all beings and all life. It is only when we apply our knowledge, understanding, resources and capacities to support what is best for life that we achieve the status of true living beings. We use the phrase “living” purposefully, because the world system has been created on the foundation of a Cult of Death. This is reflected in our language, our legal and monetary system, and every element of the socio-economic-political reality that we are indoctrinated into from birth. The world of corporations that controls all life on Earth at this time is a world of fiction and illusion, it is the world of the walking dead. Thus, our educational philosophy and content is purposefully directed to break down that programming and to restructure ourselves as true living beings, supported by other living beings, learning together in living universities that expand the manifested expression of our true, authentic and noble selves.
Along with our educational intentions, we are building the GEMSTONE Earth Media Alliance to be the integrative foundation of a new voice of Life and the People in this world. It is an integral part of the model being developed herein so that our achievements can be conveyed and shared with the larger world-wide community. We welcome all who share these intentions to join us to build the GEMSTONE University and GEMSTONE Earth Media Alliance together. We are here to enliven ourselves and our expression, in mutual benefit and supported by inspiring each other to reach beyond our limitations and to utilize such expanded capacities in all aspects of our lives to the benefit of the greater good for all. Come join us in our journey together if you share an affinity with Our Noble Expression!